Want, and how you want. Responsive design froms to fit any screen, your laptop, tablet, or smartphone prayers. Smartphone. Cspans live coverage of washington and you can search our library whenever and wherever you want. It makes it easy for you to keep an i on what is happening in washington. Coming up next, a debate from liberal activists bill ayers and conservative author Dinesh Dsouza. First, an article in the on mr. To examiner sousa. The fbi about what led to the investigation and the history of fbis history of campaign filing. You can read this on the Washington Examiner website. Examiner. Com. Next, Dinesh Dsouza and bill ayers debating the question, what is so great about america . The debate was held at dartmouth, which in New Hampshire. Is two hours. Good evening and welcome to tonights feature debate between Dinesh Dsouza and the layers. Im a junior at dartmouth and the current editor and cheech of the dartmouth review. Privilege to serve as moderator and introduce you to t
Congress. I made a few suggestions, and i have additional suggestions on how he could do that if he was serious about growing the economy. Drilling and leasing activities on federal lands is another. Educational choice. The reality is the president has a choice. I heard a question of whether he mention the minimum wage. Yes, he did, repeatedly. This president and the white house seems to be waving the white house of surrender. Now thea economy is minimum wage economy. We can do better than that. I think america can do better than that. There are things that he can do with executive action. There are other things he can do. We asked him about reining in regulation from the epa, adopt a repealory budgets, outdated relations. There are things we can do instead of waving the white flag of surrender, declaring this economy to be a minimum wage economy. I think we can do better. Until a few moments ago we were going down a pretty cooperative road. [laughter] let me say that we do not all oil
We spent probably 2 million on our side alone of the race and voters turnout was what i mentioned earlier. It would be hard to be a resident in jersey city during the election and not know there was a may recall election going on from a house to house standpoint. I think people vote on things that areless of substance and the more we try to educate them, people try to gravitate towards things that arent meaningful and move the dialogue forward, sometimes gender or race or geographic location or who their neighbor is. I dont have a answer for you long term. We are working on it. Im a former organizer with food and water watch. I want to thank you for your opposition to the pipeline that is now in service between jersey city and manhattan, a 42 inch gas pipeline going under the hudson. I know that jersey City Attorney is going to argue now yesterday. There are some arguments coming thursday. But the Regulatory Commission is approving these pipe lines right and left all over the country f
[captions Copyright National able satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] best known for his involvement in the political activism in the 1960s, and the leader of a weather underground, a selfdescribed communist underground group that conducted a public Bombing Campaign in the 1970s. He has had a distinguished career as a professor. He has written about social justice and characterized education as an ethical nterprise. His most recent work, public enemy was released in 2010. To have two individuals of such distinction with us tonight is no small feat. Goal to the tireless work of our supporters. We would like to thank the Young Americans institution. Their dedication to the ideas of liberty and the sporting apparatus of liberal debate will be displayed in full throughout tonights discussion. We like to acknowledge the efforts of the College Republicans and libertarians whose actions on the campus were instrumental to make sure the debate could tak
Given they fear for their lives. None of the people we have lked to came without a smuggler. So we read reports where they say about half of people dont use a smuggler to cross a border. We havent come across with that to be the case. That iher issue is lost the train of thought. H the train. When you look at the numbers, its perhaps might be one in four or five people who use the train. So the issue is not the train alone but the whole journey itself that gets people through the United States from mexico. Im a by product of the cold war. I left my country for political reasons and crossed the board in the 1980s. And train or no train, i was going to leave the country. So i think we are going through the same experiences today but in different circumstances. I think were going to have to call it a day. I want to thank you and your team for your report and the presentation today. Thank you very much for your bringing a different perspective than we usually discuss here. Thanks very much