be conscious of that. do you think you could have more stimulating conversations with an ai algorithm than you could with your wife or your friends? not with you. but impressive as my chat bot bruce is, he s no match yet for this guy, my human husband, paul. you know me. one of my most enjoyable things is sitting in a sports bar eating chicken wings, drinking beer, right. i want a friend there. you know, but for me i don t think ai could ever supplant that. did you already eat? i ate the kimchi mac and cheese, which was amazing. yum, that s such a great idea. was it better than my kimchi eggs? a little bit. hello and welcome to our
An easy pasta made luxurious with a copious amount of browned butter.
If Julia Child were still with us, no doubt she would heartily approve of “Sage and Walnut Tagliatelle.”
That’s because it is a total butter bomb.
In the best of ways, of course.
This simple pasta dish, egg noodles get coated in plenty of browned butter infused with sage leaves turned crisp and aromatic, and tossed with crunchy toasted walnuts. (Clarkson Potter), of which I received a review copy.
The book is by Mimi Thorisson, a former model yes, apparently not all models subsist on only mineral water and chia seeds. The creator of the food blog Manger, she lives in France with her photographer-husband (who took the winsome photos for the cookbook) and their young children.