there is another demented midget that is just as hot coming. not to repeat myself a third time because this will be the third time, what happens to cats when the cat lady dies? the cats don t know the cat lady is crazy. they just know the cat lady feeds them, and they think the cat lady is the center of the universe. kim gung ill was the cat lady and north koreans are cats. i love it when you raise your hand. i just saw election again. there was a cat lady that worked at one of my dad s diners and when she died another cat lady took the cats in. there you go. she was the kim gung u.n. the kim jong-un cat lady. i wants to ask you, tucker, how many side by side comparisons of like like totalitarianism and free markets do you need? you have east and west germany.
direction because that is different. it is like rich kids drinking pabst. you lived with him for a um could years and he had sunk pretty low. he thought you were an unattractive woman. he really did. i think my theory is he picked them because they are their names are easy to pronounce. her name was kim and he could say that. kim. we have have to move on and time for another break. check out the new pod cast. go to fox news radio date. m click on red eye when you get there. tonight we talked about bill and our weekend away in florida where we did things in florida. and had more mosquitos.
sends a strong signal. the pentagon is insisting these exercises were pre planned, but pentagon officials said they wanted to time the announcement of the exercises for when president obama spoke to his counterpart, president lee last night so it would look like they were living up to the security pact they have with south korea. we have seen this thing from north korea so often. every time people get hyped up and in the end everybody goes back to the table and they talk. kim gung kim gung ill has more hennessey has more and is there a reason to worry? you have a situation where a country like north korea already has 8 to 12 number clear devices. there is a standing army of 1.1 million people. the u.s. has 28,000 troops in south korea that could easily be drawn into a war. and now we know from the revelations this weekend by the american scientist who was shown 2,000 centrifuges in