sends a strong signal. the pentagon is insisting these exercises were pre planned, but pentagon officials said they wanted to time the announcement of the exercises for when president obama spoke to his counterpart, president lee last night so it would look like they were living up to the security pact they have with south korea. >> we have seen this thing from north korea so often. every time people get hyped up and in the end everybody goes back to the table and they talk. kim gung -- kim gung ill has more hennessey has more and is there a reason to worry? >> you have a situation where a country like north korea already has 8 to 12 number clear devices. there is a standing army of 1.1 million people. the u.s. has 28,000 troops in south korea that could easily be drawn into a war. and now we know from the revelations this weekend by the american scientist who was shown 2,000 centrifuges in