Office. They did analysis on things we can improve on oh see ya. I want to thank lee network. They have provided some very helpful feedback to make sure weve been working throughout the years in truly serving our community. And of course, the office of immigrant affairs. We really hope they can provide a stronger and better role for all of us in the community. And of course, my staff. So at this time, ill turn it over to supervisor yee who i know has good amendments to add to make this an even better legislation okay. Supervisor yee. Thank you. Well, as you can tell im going to be supporting this legislation. And im going to thank supervisor tang for approving and improving this important ordinance for everybody. And also, wed like to thank your staff for her tiredless work and the Civic Engagement in community affairs. So colleagues, i have should have distributed copies to you and the clerk to amend the ordinance by having a section under 2112 or 21. 12 on page 19. This amendment ask
24th street bar will serve the public convenience of the city. Same house, same call. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Call item number 12. Item 12 is an ordinance to expanded the administrative code by a language of the ordinance to apply to all city departments that provide information or services to the public and enhance the departmental is complaint plan requirement. Supervisor tang. Thank you. I wanted to speak on are we on item 12 . I want to really set the bar high for many jushgsz in terms of making sure our city provides adequate opportunities for people of all different walks in life and different languages. This pushes us to do more. What were doing in particular is were moving the system that previously existed under l. A. O. We had tear one, tear two and this legislation will remove that tier system to make sure were really sending a message on all departments, no matter how big or small you are, as long as you are serving the public, you should
There to some extent. So the only thing i would like to say about this process is at least an inclusion of some of this at least 50 percent being affordable for that project and it sounds like were going to discuss density and mass later. But i think its really appropriate for the site and the neighborhood so i welcome that aspect. Thank you. Supervisor mar. Yeah, i just wanted to add also that i think all rental units in the housing complex is important as well in that the neighborhood concerns were addressed by some in eliminations of two floors i believe as originally proposed. And some shadowing of the lie boek school and the playground thats close by. Im glad the developers are being responsive to the community. I wish it was more than 20 percent affordable but to have rental units in a key neighborhood is really transit and its good with a mixed project as well. Thank you very much. Seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk. Oh, supervisor wiener. Thank you. Just to be ver
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대선 판도에 영향 미칠 듯…경남, 재판 결과에 촉각 연합뉴스 | 기사입력 2021.07.21. 08:16:03 드루킹 댓글 여론조작 사건에 연루된 혐의로 기소된 김경수 경남지사의 대법원 선고가 21일 진행된다.
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김 지사는 일명 드루킹 김동원씨 일당과 공모해 2016년 11월부터 더불어민주당 대선 후보였던 문재인 대통령의 당선을 위해 자동화 프로그램(매크로)인 킹크랩 으로 여론을 조작한 혐의(컴퓨터 등 장애 업무방해)로 재판을 받아왔다.
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김 지사는 일명 드루킹 김동원씨 일당과 공모해 2016년 11월부터 더불어민주당 대선 후보였던 문재인 대통령의 당선을 위해 매크로 프로그램 킹크랩 으로 댓글을 조작한 혐의(컴퓨터 등 장애 업무방해)로 재판을 받아왔다.
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