Oversight and helping prioritize the implementation of transportation and other public improvements and some of the projects include the balboa park station area and plaza improvements, muni forward which is the transit line changes, the ocean avenue corridor design and the i280 off ramp realignment so if you have any further questions i am available. Thank you. Thank you. Did you want to say anything . [inaudible] okay. Any questions . Well thank you for bringing this forward. Even though the balboa station isnt in my district its just close enough to the district where it has a lot of impact and i am certainly supportive of the extension. Any Public Comments on this item . Seeing none public is now closed. [gavel] supervisor campos. Thank you. I would like to move this item forward with a positive recommendation. And by the way what an incredible voice. Thank you for the presentation. Deputy City Attorney john gibner. Just one suggestion to the committee. On page three of the resolut
To improving our elections, and also to offer some kind of personal observations ive had about the need for improving Public Confidence in San Franciscos elections. I have been an author of Free Open Source Software learkz related that was used to help verify the results of San Francisco elections and occasion offer places where votes could be corrected and thats been very helpful for people, not only here in california but in other states as well. San francisco elections and director john aroundst do a commendable job overall how they conduct elections and they continuously work to make improvements and there are areas where they can still make improvements and as i talked to people i found there is a significant amount of the public that has low confidence in the elections in San Francisco and how theyre conducted and i think open Source Software and open vofting systems is certainly one of the steps we can take to improve that. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Is there any
Good afternoon supervisors on this wet thursday afternoon. I am erick brown and i am seated member on the local homeless coordinating board. I have been on the board for approximately six and a half years. I have been the chair of the [inaudible] committee, hud Management Information system. I have been cochair for the hearth and how to bring regulations into line with San Francisco in the continuum of care. I have worked seallessly i like to think providing Homeless Services to san franciscans. I worked for Catholic Charities 14 years last month. I am currently stationed at Treasure Island and the increase the redevelopment and housing here in San Francisco and those folks that need to be housed. There are challenges, the main challenges for keeping people housed. We think once we give them housing it solves all lifes problems so we need to explore what it means to put someone in housing and keep them in housing. I am fortunate to say that my team on Treasure Island has about a 98 occ
You care for. That came out in two sentences when i met with you earlier. Without objection then through the chair i also wanted to clarify that we have been informed there is no residency waiver required as publicized on the agenda but from our understanding that is understand required so we will pass this out to the full board as is. Without objection motion passes. Congratulations. Mr. Clerk item number seven. Item number seven is a hearing consider appointing one member for the term ending november 19, 2016 to the bicycle advisory committee. There is one seat and one applicant. I think that is elbert hill but i dont see him in the audience. I know him and my appointee to the committee and any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. I will make the motion. All right. Since this is your appointee i will go along with that. Without objection elbert hill will be rea pointed. Item number eight is a hearing to consider appointing three members terms ending oct
Hi briefly. Suzie sowza on behalf of the health plan and i wanted to let you know of our joy of her governing the board and she person personifies our mission to take care of the most vulnerable so thank you. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comments . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. [gavel] sure. Again i had the opportunity to chat with ms. Conway beforehand and brings a great why could to us and we had a great chat what it means to be taking care of our most vulnerable population here so i want to thank you for volunteering your time and love to have you appointed and i would like to recommend irene conway for the board and positive recommendation to the full board of supervisors. Yeah, and i agree. I just want to thank you for serving on this and a person like this who obviously passionate about what you do and for the people that you care for. That came out in two sentences when i met with you earlier. Without objection then through the chair i also wanted to clarify tha