going out to the school and back. i really appreciate the idea that you actually can be a family in san francisco and ride public transit. it does take a little extra push, and, yes, it is getting very expensive for families, so i appreciate the idea that public transit is not just for a certain group of individuals. it should be for everybody. that is the idea. the last thing i wanted to say is that we have i think it is nice that we embrace safe, diving, an inclusive, which is also our model for the neighborhood in the lower haight in the sense that safety is for pedestrians, for writers, and pedestrians for pedestrians, and for riders. i am pleased to be here to support the nomination. thank you. hello, good afternoon, supervisors. in the community planning manager at chinatown cdc i am the community planning manager. i think the whole spectrum of transit improvements, also including recent advocacy for the central subway i really want to talk today about how we