called in to investigate to learn about the co-pilot. what is the fbi doing? they will assist the german and french authorities to determine what was this co-pilot thinking what was the motivation? is he tied to an extremist group or not? did he exhibit suicidal tendencies or mental distress of some kind, financial problems marital problems whatever? they will look at his head basically. the fbi will have a major role in all of this. i want everybody to stand by. we will have much more on the breaking news. the coverage we re following of the crash of flight 9525. we will dig deeper on past incidents where a pilot was accused of downing a passenger plane deliberately. what more could be done to make sure this never happens again? stay with us. it s happening. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemirĀ® an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours.
position at the gate prior to taxi way. the normal position the door is locked. it can only be accessed from the outside by the numeric keypad which the flight crew has the code they can enter the cockpit if allowed by the cabin crew inside. what happens if the pilot or co-pilot in this case puts it on lock as opposed to normal or unlock? once it s in lock you are banned from entering the cockpit for a full five minutes. no one can enter the cockpit unless the pilot allows you to and moves removes the lock position. but the cockpit is impregnable. what happens after five minutes? there is a 30-second period you have a buzzer activated that announces that the locking mechanism is going to be released and you have a
from the inside as the captain was trying to get back in. from what we know he didn t allow access to the cockpit. that s exactly what the french authorities have so far informed us about. reporter: what did the captain try to do to get back in? is there a possibility to knock a door down at this stage of the game? after the terrible 9/11 accidents we have put in lufthansa like most other airlines doors into our cockpits which are not to be broken by manual force. they are not able to be opened with small weapons. so there was no way to get back to the cockpit for the captain in this case when the co-pilot was not allowing that access. reporter: in the united states, for instance if one of the crew members leaves the cockpit, there always has to be someone who goes in, a flight attendant or something. why was the co-pilot allowed to be in the cockpit alone? also in the united states, i understand that s only true for a very few airlines. most of the airlines around the world
citizen in germany. tom, thanks so much. the investigation just beginning. check out our show page for video, blogs and extras. that s all for us on the lead. i m john berman in for jake. i turn you over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. happening now, deliberate crash. tonight the unthinkable explanation for the air disaster in the alps. a prosecutor says the co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit and purposefully flew the airliner into a mountain. we have new details on the investigation and why that co-pilot was training in the united states. locked out. you will learn how and use the co-pilot was able to keep everyone else out of the cockpit. is your airline changing its policy on cabin security? and decisive storm. after one u.s. ally is toppled by rebels another major ally launching a sudden and massive air strike. is a ground offensive next? i speak live this hour with the saudi ambassador to the united states. i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation ro
the regulation of the world aviation industry is lax in many respects. this has shown another side of that story. it s very sad that we have to keep learning things after disasters, because we can t anticipate before a disaster that there with weaknesses in the system like this. certainly true. david soucie are you surprised that the french authorities, that prosecutor for example, they have been as forthcoming about the details that this being a deliberate act by that co-pilot to fly that plane into the alps? wolf i am so refreshed at the way that they are handling this. we have seen so many accidents over the last year. those have all seemed to had their little secrecy, little this little that. germans seem could be coming across very forthright and very up front about everything even though we are talking about a criminal investigation, which typically after that it shuts down. no talking at all. but that s not what happened here. they are very forthright.