BENGALURU: The Delhi police arrested a 22 year-old climate activist named Disha Ravi for her alleged involvement in the sharing of Toolkit. The toolkit was shared by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg on her Twitter handle which she later deleted. The Delhi police raided Disha Ravi’s home on Saturday and was later arrested. She was charged with sedition and criminal
India News: MO Dhaliwal, the founder of pro-Khalistani Poetic Justice Foundation contacted activist Nikita Jacob through his colleague Puneet, a Canadian citizen
Delhi s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal has termed the arrest of Disha Ravi as an unprecedented attack on democracy. She was arrested by the police in connection with the toolkit case. Arrest of 21 yr old Disha Ravi is an unprecedented attack on Democracy. Supporting our farmers is not a crime, Kejriwal said on Twi
She has been charged with sedition and criminal conspiracy, among other offences. The daughter of an athletics coach, she has been remanded in police custody for five days.
Climate activist Disha Ravi arrested: 21-year-old has campaigned for Mollem forest protection, NAPCC Delhi Police said Disha Ravi was the editor of a toolkit, which was a guide sheet to stoke economic, cultural, social and regional tensions in India FP Staff February 15, 2021 11:38:33 IST
Bengaluru climate activist Disha Ravi’s arrest by the Delhi Police on Saturday for her alleged involvement in the toolkit case invited widespread criticism.
According to the police, Ravi was the “editor” of a toolkit, which she also shared with Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg, was a guide sheet to stoke economic, cultural, social and regional tensions in India. Thunberg tweeted the toolkit, which voicing support for the ongoing farmers’ protest. Later, she asked Greta to remove the main Doc after its incriminating details accidentally got into public domain, the D