Those who visit Tamaqua’s community pool this season won’t have to pack their own food and drinks.
On Tuesday, borough council approved a lease for the concession stand at the H.D. Buehler Memorial Po.
Streetlights in Tamaqua have been glowing purple - something caused by a manufacturer’s defect.
Borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt said the faulty bulbs are being replaced.
“Our streetlight replacement.
There’s an unusual glow coming from some streetlights in Tamaqua.
“Just so everybody is aware, we are very aware that the streetlights are turning purple,” said Rob Jones, public works director, durin.
The borough of Tamaqua is seeking bids to demolish four blighted properties.
“They’ve been neighborhood eyesores and it is time to take them down,” said borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt.
The properti.
Water flowed freely. Traffic did not.
Delays on Route 309 in Tamaqua were longer than usual this week because of a water main break on the north end of town which leaked water at a rate of about 1 mi.