of incidents, a lot of them were at newark airport, about things going wrong. a knife getting through a screening checkpoint. a dead dog that was not screened for explosives before it was loaded on a plane. so the numbers, you cited them. let s put them up so people can see. 42% of those security breaches were reported to headquarters. then only about 53% of them were corrected. there s no central reporting system, so they couldn t get the 30,000-foot view of what s going on. we ve been listening to the hearing. listen to what members of congress are asking the tsa inspector general about how exactly all of this happened. so there is no depository where one could go and pull up all of the breaches that have occurred? well, first, they need to have, like i said earlier and the chairman alluded to, there needs to be a clear definition of what a breach is. and then tsa needs to give clear guidance to the airports, what to report and when to report. and then tsa needs to foll
reports only on msnbc. still have doubts about taking aspirin for tough pain? listen to what mvp justin verlander thinks about it. i would say the source of most of my muscle pain would be in my shoulder. my trainer kevin rand recommended it to me. i was kind of skeptical at first, but i tested it out,
investigation is looking at a number of scenarios right now but says that the suspect may be luring his victims by posing as a fake cop preying on unsuspecting drivers late in the night. martin savidge has been following all the developments closely for us. let s go ahead an take a look. we put together a map of exactly where the two highway murders occurred. we re talking about just three days apart, right? 55 miles away from each other. that s correct. what do we know about the two victims? well, we re talking about a 74-year-old man who was driving from nebraska, and he was the first victim, 1:30 in the morning. that s thomas schlender, and then friday, 2, 15 a.m., lori anne carswell, a local woman, found shot dead out of her vehicle. schlender is found shot dead inside his vehicle. five shell casings were retrieved from his murder scene. this is also what we know. it appear that is the vehicles were not broken down, yet they were found at the side of the road on the
but michael seemed happy. he found a lot of joy in his children. and the talent michael hid from the world. he loved art a lot. he loved paintings. he loved water colors. he loved even crayons. and his explosive theory about conrad murray. he did a terrible thing. there might have been others involved. i don t know that but i feel that. an extraordinary hour. the piers morgan interview starts now. tonight an extraordinary look at michael jackson s private life through his artwork. the pictures are new revelations about the iconic singer. much kept in an airport hangar in los angeles. some of it is in the studio with me. joining me now is his mother katherine jackson and his mentor livings ton. welcome to you both. thank you. most of this has never been seen. i love this picture, which is how old is he there, michael? he s about nine or ten there. and he s clutching his own work of art. yes. i don t know what s more impressive the art or the hat he s
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