This is the moment the Post Office boss Paula Vennells danced to Pixie Lott at a staff party as sub-postmasters were fighting a legal battle over being wrongly jailed.
jazmine fragrant. they reportedly often given out as gifts that sounds lovely and strange at the same time, ainsley. ainsley: i was going to say that s very weird. she won t share the candle scent and the vice president has a candle. carley: not many people have their own signature candle. ainsley: we need to focus on the country and not t the candl. thank you so much, carley. ohio teacher underwent brain surgery after 15-year-old student attacked her while hallucinating on drugs. this a growing list of violent encounters after a new study found 33% of teachersy threatened by students during the pandemic. the next guest says it is the direct result of social isolation from school closures. clinical psychologist dr. kevin gilliland joins us now. dr. gilliland, thanks for being here. good to see you, too. good to be here. ainsley: what is happening? we heard the story. could you imagine these teachers don t get paid a lot. they are there to make this
limit child care all week not only does it hurt these kids psychologist i m already bad at math. now i have to figure out child care and now you have to help with you math. ainsley: parents can t do it. second grader does better on math problems than i do. thank you so much dr. gilliland. appreciate. it good to be here. ainsley: calls for transparency after secretary austin s cancer diagnosis was kept secret. how can anybody be certain that the administration would not go to the same lengths to keep secret problems with president biden s health? if you could logically argue, and you can t, but, if you could arguably argue he s 81 years old. wait a second. ainsley: this all happening while unrest in the middle east continues to unravel. so we re going to have a live