up not just worryed and fearful about seeing anyone in the class the next day. like we had to do in third period gym, this goes to your school, schools in your district,ing all, all over the state before you know it, it feels crushing that everyone knows. and that is hard to escape what you are isolated in your bedroom, you feel there is nothing you could do, the feelings are devastating, your school, your own school is not even supporting and protecting you. trey: dr. kevin gilliland, i could talk about the psychologist of why people do terrible things and also the impact on the victim with you all night long. but, i do not have all night. the story warrants it. i look forward to having you back real soon thank you for joining us on a sunday night on a heartbreaking story. thank you for addressing this, take care.
trey: stick with fox news for continuing coverage of this developing story, we ll bring you any updates as we get them. up next, a new jersey teen took her life after being brutally attacked at school. did the police really wait until after her death to file charges? what causes teens to assault and h humiliate other teens? psychologist dr. gilliland will join us next on sunday night in america. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future.
defended? victims should have the power of law enforcement behind them, the power of voithose in charge, the power of those who value justice, 14-year-old victims should not be in their bedrooms feeling isolated and alone, trying to side thohow to kill themselves, joining us now dr. kevin gilliland. we took different paths in life. you have a harder job of explaining how and why teen could attack a student, harass her afterward, brag about it on social media until the child takes her own life, how does that happen? it is tragic to say the least. it is a failure of our system to care for the psychological emotional and social needs of our young adults. we talk about it in a high