CITY Hall has ramped up its crackdown on litterbugs at commercial centres and towns within its rating area, with 403 errant individuals collectively paying RM6,480 in compounds as part of the agency’s “Ops Bersih (Cleanliness Operations)” in January alone.
CITY HALL is monitoring the goings-on at an open space on Jalan Khidmat to deter illegal dumps from springing up along the road, after finding piles of used-tyres in this part of Kolombong.
A RATE-PAYER in the Kepayan Low Cost Housing area has been chided for failing to adequately tidy up his yard where he has piled up various recyclable items.
A spokeswoman for City Hall’s Environmental Health Department said the homeowner was reminded to clean up his compound earlier this month and warned that he could be penalised if he continued to disregard this request