0 about a conversation that i m not i m stunned that you can t recall that. so let s talk about afghanistan. the secretary undersecretary for defense policy, mr. kael says, isis-k poses a short term external threat al qaeda could launch attacks outside afghanistan within a year or two. do you agree with that? i agree that al qaeda has always presented and continues to present a persistent threat to the united states homeland. the question is what s changed? you say always. has any recent event changed the likelihood of an attack? i don t know. you don t know that we withdrew from afghanistan. i know we withdrew. i don t no if it will increase the risk from al qaeda or not. you are the attorney general of the united states. due to the lack of ability to have eyes and ears on the ground there was testimony and the unreliability of the taliban that an attack on the united states within six months or a year is far more likely after a withdrawal, you re not aware he said t