Journalists on the culture beat often get to be on hand for big events. Usually they can see them coming. As Season 2 of the Welsh football series “Welcome to Wrexham” rolls out on FX, the Monitor’s Stephen Humphries relives a May assignment that dropped him into the stadium where a low-tier team would notch an improbable victory. He tells guest host Kendra Nordin Beato about the surge of fan identity that the team’s win gave to its sleepy hometown – and to a larger community beyond.
Back in 2011, Tropical Storm Irene gave flooded Vermont a wake-up call. Efforts since then to build resiliency – alongside a humanitarian spirit – are helping this week.
This new weekly podcast features conversations with Monitor reporters and editors that help explain how we approach the news – and how we find shared values such as respect, resilience, dignity, agency, and hope behind the headlines. Host Samantha Laine Perfas explains.
Rethink the news: Reducing news to hard lines and side-taking leaves a lot of the story untold. Progress comes from challenging what we hear and considering different views.