At nebraska medicine, which is one of the top places, so if i can be anywhere in the world right now, this is the place to be as i recover. Whats weird is ive had no symptoms of the virus since i first got it after the first 48 hours. I had that 103 degree spike in fever, and that lasted about eight hours. My dry cough remained for about two weeks, but other than that ive been feeling fine, and now im in day 39 of my quarantine, so its been a long ordeal. Here as hightech as they are, im going to show you this, they come out with a post it note. Yep. As hightech as they are here, this shows my test, my nasal passages still positive, so i am stuck here for a while. Theyre going to do another test on me today. Do you do the test yourself, or do they do the tests on you . Oh, no, they do the test. It goes deep up the nostrils, deep down the throat. I also am doing a Clinical Study that wont help me but hopefully provide answers, so theyre also doing swaps under my eyelids and one deep up
Now that I think back on it, there weren’t many ”projects” or other memorabilia from my elementary and even high school days that made it home at the end of