3 pour question of the day. the potential. To access. Your Text Messages forrup to two years . Here a look. At our facebook page. . This puestion. Ggt. A. Big than. 250 comments. mostt. People. Do not plike. This idea. . Oinn the discussoin. By going to faaebook dot com slash Fox Baltimore. A. Ew. Spending. This. Time,. contractorr. Supplying. Tech services. To the city. . Fox 45. Has. Learned. City inspector. Requested. Dozens of invoices. For contractors. Working. For theemayor. Its. The. Same office. That sparkedda war of words. Bbtween the mayor. And. City comptroller. About. Wasteful spenddng. On baltimores. Phone systee. tooight. An. Advvcate for inority businessess. for inority busiiesses. says. A. abroadera. Investigation. Is overdue. 1 51 03it adds up to taxpayer for tte law. Ithout regardss law. The. Rrport. Released. This year. On speeding. the. Office. Declined to comment. On the current invessigation join. Our wasse watch. If. You see government waste. Call. Our hooline. 4
Cousins keeps t himself for the two point cooersion. The game is tied, and headed for overtime. Innthe extra period, the ravens areeforced to ppnt. And watch what ehappens. Rookie Richard Crawford returns it 64 yards. Onlypunter ssm koch pthere. The skins ran a few plays, and then haaded t to kai forbaah, whocalmly kicked tte 34 ard field goal to stun the ravens. 3128 the final. Our moogan adsit spent the afternoon down at fedex. Her reportt and aa exhausttve looo at todays pame,coming up on our expanded sundayh Night Edition of Sports Unlimited deepiie he outcome of the game. Ravens fans were deeked out and ready for the game beforehhnd. Bbforehandd16 46 4916 46 58 whos yourrfavorite raven . 52. Whos number 52 . Ravens. Whos number 52 . Ray lewis. Lewis. That veryycute video came from one fox 45 unfortunately. The ravens were ithout lewis today s he is still ecovering from a torn tricep. And check out this cute little girl. She was ready for gametime. Rocking her Bernard Pollard ersey
Hhur in ssorts ray lewis. Not. Only. Became he face. Of the ravens,. p but. His. aiiagea. Baltimore. keith daniels. Live ii with. More on lewis. and. His impact on thh city. That brings us to our question of the day. What is your most memorable rayylewis moment . Go. To. Fox ell us. What you think. . Sound. P off. Thru. Facebook. . Send. Orrus. A tweet. At foxbaltimore. . Be. The. First too. Know. Bout breaking news. On. Rry lewis retirement. by. Signiig up. For. Fox45s. Nnes on the go. textt. Wbff. To. 455203. To sign up. For text alerts. or. Go to. Fox baltimore dot com. On. Thee. Upper. Right screen. . You. Can. Also downllad. The fox45 app. On. Your smartphone. . Go. To. Youu. App store. and. Enter wf f. To. Ddwnload it. 3 congress. Resolved. The. Fiscal cliff. at. Least. apartiallya. In. A. Late white ouse. Is. Proud. It. Americann. From. Automatic. Tax hikes. but. He deal. Sets the stage. For. Mmre fights. In. Theecoming ponths. jjnnifer. Davis. Haa the latest. From. W. Washingto
Says this will be his last sn seasoneverything that starts has n end, such ii life. Life. Tonight. The reason for pis decision. Ann a look back at some of his biggest hits hello. Im jeff barnd. jennifers. Off. we. Begin. Wiih. Pssunninga. Nnws. From. Ooings mills. . The. Legend. Is. Retiring. . Sports. Director. Bruce cunningham. Joins us. With that. Story. In the summer of 1996, i was preparing to broadcast the ravens firstever coordinator marvin lewis told me to keep an eye on that kkd peaaingnumber 52. He wants to make every tackle. 17 yearrs laaer, he still does. But father time is undefeattd, and today, ray lewis closed out legendary career opening sot opening sotand witt that, one of the legendary careers in baltimore sports istorycomee to an end. Ay lewis hangs them uppafttr 17 glooyfilled pyars. A two time nfl defensivv player of the year and super bowl most valuble playyr,the list of rays accoladee issa engthy of his career,the numbers simply take a back seat. That was never h
Pollce. Headqqarters. Keith. Jeff. Pplice say the majoritt f thhse hhmicides last majority of majority of those homicides e last year were domestic rellaed. Some of the others 3 chief told us why ttnight. The relatedd chief told us why his department is havinn such good results solving those cases. Pnd catching the suspects. Catching the those cases. And results olving his department is chief told us why ttnight. The related crimes. Rugg tonight. The chiefftold uss why his department is having such good results solving those cases. And catching the. P. Poliie say there were 23 homicides in 2012 compared announced his week that of those cases in 2012. Jjst slightly llwer than its five year average of 90peecent. Accorddng to the Keith Daniels fox45 news late edition. 3 ppponents. Of. Capital punishment. plan. Another tactic. To. Abolish. The death penalty. In. Recent rrpeal. It. Has been defeatedd. . Lead supporter. Of. The bill. Wants to abypassa. Pthe vote. and. Petitiin the bill. To.