3 pour question of the day. the potential. To access. Your Text Messages forrup to two years . Here a look. At our facebook page. . This puestion. Ggt. A. Big than. 250 comments. mostt. People. Do not plike. This idea. . Oinn the discussoin. By going to faaebook dot com slash Fox Baltimore. A. Ew. Spending. This. Time,. contractorr. Supplying. Tech services. To the city. . Fox 45. Has. Learned. City inspector. Requested. Dozens of invoices. For contractors. Working. For theemayor. Its. The. Same office. That sparkedda war of words. Bbtween the mayor. And. City comptroller. About. Wasteful spenddng. On baltimores. Phone systee. tooight. An. Advvcate for inority businessess. for inority busiiesses. says. A. abroadera. Investigation. Is overdue. 1 51 03it adds up to taxpayer for tte law. Ithout regardss law. The. Rrport. Released. This year. On speeding. the. Office. Declined to comment. On the current invessigation join. Our wasse watch. If. You see government waste. Call. Our hooline. 4106621456. Or. Go to Fox Baltimore dot com. . You. Can reed. About a mullibillion Homeland Security grant. Thats. Being used. Tt pay for. 13 snowcooe. Machines. In. One state. New. Fox. . Parents. 3 confront. City. School demanding. Answerr. About. A. School worker. Who faces. Sex charges. . Say. Shawn nowlin. Got. A 15yearrold girl. Pregnant. . But tonight, many of the petrryed. Nccuding one her 11yearold sons moss trusted confidant during sons depression caused by his parrnts separationn but nowlin was a hall monitor at the schooll not a child and family therapist as he claimed. Tonightt parents wanted it. And wondereddif School Officials even checked his credentials. But parents walked out of the meettng ponight, they say, with nn answers. Still, sshool officials called it, a successful eeting. mr. Crue concerneddparent but what iiheerd here tonight that concerned me was thaa the administration is not accepting rrsponsibility for something thaa went wwoog. Wrong. mr. Brrce School Official i think the fact successs i think the fact that we have a plan, that wee work with aad develop wwthhthe community is success. Anddi think working with ouu students on later tomorrow as well as on monday and nextt wwee is success. Successs ms. Hamlett parent mmupset with the school systee becauseewhatever he thought he was, he had a whole staff thaa was supporting this charade. He had an officc. Hall mmniiors dont havv offices. 33 3 dont have offiies. School fficials say they will provide a crisis team, inccuding psychologists to going on. A. Harford ccunty. Man. Is. Accusee of. Trying o film. In the shower. Own daughter. Showerthe. Girl. Was taking a shower. Last month. . When. She. Saw her fathers. Ipod. Above the toilet. . When. She. Checked it,. It,. She. Saw a video. Oo. Her dad. Setting it pp. . Thee. Man. Told police. That he just wanted. To see hee. Naked. . It. Was not. The first time. He. Ssmeone. Without their. Knowledge. . The. Man. Is being held. On. 100thousand dollarr bail p3 ssx charges. Against an aide. At the maryland school. For. The deaf. . Hes. P in jail. Accused. Of. Molesting. 3girls. . Police,, say,. 37yearold. Ccarence taylor. Worked as a. Doom aide. P att. The school. . Police. Say. The alleged sexual abuss. Occurred between 2008 and 2010. . Pooice say. Repprteddher incidents. To a teacher. believe. There ould 3 be. More victims. llewellyn thhs is a suspect who was the overnight dorm aide ii a school whhre young girls slept overnight during pthe week and we suspect there could be other victims. Wwre urging anyone who miggt have information or might havv been victimized to ccoe forwarr and call police. Pplice. School officials. Suspended ayloo. From his current joo. l. A. Harford couuty. Teen. Charged with. Sexually assaulting a girl. Is. Jail. Sed from jail. A. Judge p. Granted bail. For. P16yearoll. Alessanddo. Lori. . Who. Was after. Pooice say. He attaaked p in. Fores hill. police. Say. He knocced er and. Held lighter. To her face. p , threatening to burn her. . Loris. A. Junior at bel air higg school,. pbut. Hes charged as an adult. The suspect. In. The shooting. At. St. Joseph. Meeical cenner. has been charged. With. Attempted murder. 3urder. Karen parrs. Streaming live. Outtide the Medical Center in towson. officer. Was grazed by a bull. Bullee. 30 yeer old brian old brian 30 year old brian dargaa emains in custody a 25 thousand dollar bail on n unrelated charges. Charges. 3 couldd hppen. Go something crazy doesnt matter where you 26 28 doesnt matter where you go something crazy could the officer did not require 3 sommbody. Somebbdy jjst got shot on morgans campus campushear the 911 calls. From the shooting at morgan state university. New at lawmakers. Blast. The. State highwwy addinistration. Over. Its work zone. Speed camera. program. a. Staae aadit. Lass wwee. Found. The agency. Failed to have. Its vendors. Cameras. aindepeedentlya testedd. For. Accuraay. Duringg. Tte. First nine months. Of the ppogram. the. Agencyy. Was also criiicized. For itt process. Of awarding. Aa contract. To. One bidder,. now. Known as. Xerox state. And local s. Solltions. . The. Speed cameras. In. Baltimoree. That. Ave. Generated. Ddoens of. Phony tickets. The Holiday Season is underway pat the white house. House. 3. 2. 1. The first family lit the natiooal christtas tree 3 this eveeing. Its a 90 year old tradition. That starred under president calvin coolidge. Thousands. Turned out. In. Mount vernon. For. A. Popular. Holiday tradition. In baltimore myranda stephens. Hassmore. On this years. Annual lighting. Of the. Washington monument. P3 myranda 49 31 well its a 3 3 penn16 stephens, fox45 ews at mmunt ernon, myranda stephens, fox45 news at ten 16 as. The. Univvrsity of maryland. Prepares. To join. The big ten. Conference. p republican. Delegatee. At mcdonough. Wants to make sure. Taxpayers. Dont foot thh bill. Bill. Iqq its a majjrrchanng pnd it was done behinn closed pdors. Oq not even mennioned at the news onferenc. Conference. That penalty is part of a lawssit filed by the Atlantic Coast conference, whichhwould force the school to pay a 52 mccdnough plans to introduce a billlthat would guarantee taxpayers wont pay for any part of the move. Maryland hhs yet to respond to the lawsuit. Could be. A. Lot. Riding. On. Sundays game. Between. The ravens. And the redskins. . Howard. County a. Huge ravens fan. issued. An. Online challenge. To. His. Pg. Counterpart. rushern. You. Oq proudlyywwar an rg3 jersey for an entire day. 3 if the ravens lose, ken ulman willlpuulicly shame himself. For an entire day. . But. Pif they win. Baker. Woul be forced to ssort his haloti ngata jersey. To redssins country. . No worddyet. If. Thee have a deal but baaer turned it over. To his twitter most. Say. go for it. Check outtthe entire video and other videos on our new website link around the web. Lefthand side of the pwebsite. Unner hot topicss 3 33he was walking. Then he was like. m shot im shot shot first on fox. The 911 cclls. From the shooting at morgan state. New at 1030 tonight sat down, both raisee ourr right and and sworeett tell the truth and signnd on the line linee but nnxt. Meet the coople. That received thee first samesex marriige license in baltimore. Why marriages n baltimore acoulda happen eaaly. After the brrak 3 a. A. Historic ddy. In maryland. For. Same sex. Couples. . One. Month. Afttr vooers apprrvedquestionnsixx. couples. Can. Now apply. Liiense. john rydell. Poke with the first couple. Hoshowed baltimore. 3 at ten. Omalley. P signed. A. Proclamation that. Marylaad vottrs approvvd. Question 6. . There. Are. Othee taxes. That. Havent. Been. Covered. By the. Media. thatll. Go up. if. Lawmakers fail. To compromise. On. The. Fiscal cliff. Pliff. An. Average family of four. May. Be. On the hook. For. 22hundred dollars more. Next year if. The. Bush. Taa cuts. Are but. There. He. 2percent payyoll tax hhliday allo. Set to end. it. Affects. Veryone. Who workk. . And. Thii yeer. Meant. A. 70 dollar. Tax cut. For. Someone. Making. 35 thousand. A year. Obbma ssys im not going to sigg any paakage that somehow going up for folks at the top 2 percent. Percent. Boeener ssys there are ways to limit deductionss, close loopholes, and have the same people pay more moneyyto the feeeral goveenment without raising tax rates. Rates. Presiiential authority. To raise the debt ceiling. Is. Part of. President obamas. And. Almost. Got aavote. In the senate but. Was stopped. At with. A. Financial showddwn. In. Wasington. Going. On now,. increases. Bill. Are. Definitely. On the table. . Tonight. We. Look. At one program. thhts. Becoming. Morr costly. Minute 3 3 reportingim Patrice Sanders reporting 3 reporting 3 p the. Demand. For food stamps. No. Signs of slowinna. 22,00 people. Per day. apply. For food stamps 33 somebody. Somebbdy just ot shot on morgans campus campushear the 91 calls. From the shooting at morgan state uniiersity. New at 20. Yeppthat was my buddy buddybut next. An unedited look. At one mans emotional journee. To the wall in dc. Well take you there. After the break a. Youve outdone yourself again. Theyre dunkin kcup packs. Showoff. Jealous . Maybe. Get new peppermint mocha and hot cocoaflavored kcup packs, only at dunkin restaurants. America runs on dunkin. Your season is here. Lets just call it the baking time of year. You need special ingredients. You need the staples. Thats a given. You need safeway sugar for just 1. 97. And that magic thing that makes everyone want another only 2. 99 for land olakes butter. And when hands get messy, quite surely theyll say, yum wow yay what a sweeter holiday. Safeway. Ingredients for life. Theyll say, yum wow yay what a sweeter holiday. West baltimore,. Man. Aces. A. This. Prompts. Him. To. Take a journey. Hes. Were. Sharinn. Raw footage. with. Raw emotion. 3. Minutes. unedited. . As. Kathleen. Cairns. Travelld. On. Ttis pilgrimage. . Heres. Tooights. Cover storyy. . A. Quest for 3 10 kc fox 45 news at 10 3 nnlson hopes. Thh. Wall and. Lesson. For. Fuuure generations. more. Than. 300. Baltimore. Soldiers. Are. Oo the wall. 3 how yogaa. Could be unconstitutional. In just 15 minutes on ox45 news at ten hes bleeding bad. Can somebody ome pleese please the 9111 alls. From university. Hear what happened. As ii unfolded. New at 1030. After tte break 3 3 3 3 we. Get. At. The. Frantic minutes. following. Fridays. Shooting. At. Morgan ssate university. . University. . New at 100. Janice. Ark. Says. calls. P rom. Students. ajammeda. Tte 911 centee. 3 pjeff, studeets i spoke to say that they seriously question their safeey. After this just a matter of months. Aad tonight we obtained the 911 calls o police. Somebody got shot, bang, bang bang bang bangbang, bang bang bang bang bang bang bangthe shootinn hhppened at one in the afternoon. Police have chargee a dc man with shot moogan footbaal player tyrell okoro. Investigatorsssay the shooting, that happennd near a dorm, followed a dispute. Okoro was shot n the leg. And its a shooting that unfolded in front of lenty of studeets caller a young man got shht. Looked out and he just got shot shotsomebody just got shot right here by thurgood, hes bleeding bad can please please staae ampus someone got shot someone needs sir your need to calm down, the on ampus sir . Stand you, wher to hear all of the 911 calls released by police. Jjst go dot com, slaah raw news. More news. Janice park. Fox45 nees at ten. Its. Been. Two weeks. Since. Two. Area homes. Werr condemned. . Paul. Gessler. Reports. A portion. Of. Closed. ass. Continuee. To. Search for answers. Answers. 3 city officials. Tte ptential ssurce. Johns hopkins. Pledged. O improve. Neighborhoods. Around. Its. Campus today. and. Promised. To money. Behiid it. it. this. Ii. A picture. Tweeted by the uuiversity today. Of the mayor. At annnouncement. Hopkins ppedged. 11 million dollars. Over 5 yearss . To. Help eighhorhoods. From. University parkwayy. To. Penn station. station. the. P university. Pto. Move in. doolars. Of investment. From other buuinesses. The. Citt conninues. An. Annual traditon. To. Keep people warm. Forrthe holidays. Holidays. Dozens of students joined. Santa claus today. To. Decoratee. Theemitten ttee. At the citys department. Of. Publiccworks. . Instead. Of ornaments. the tree. Is ccvered. In mittens,. Caps, gloves nd scaavvs. . All. Of which. Wwll be given. To those innneed. Iq we know e have children. Oq to those who have very little. Little. You can. Help. Yyu can. Help. Add items toothe mitten tree. Thru. Decemmer 20th. the the needy. Thru. The. O nasa released a new image eartt at night. E view of the pight. They actually made of a satellitethe atelliteecan capture the light oo single ship at eaand yu dont need moonllght to capture an image image 33 3 3 3 3 capture an image image 3 3 3 3 pwy yoga in schools. Why yoga in schooll. Could be unnonstitutional. Next on fox45 news at ten. And look at his. A student. Collapses in the hallway of a school. The offfcer. The rushed to save 3 suspect. In the Trayvon Martin murder case. Is. Filiig. A civil plawsuit. Of his own. george. Zimmerran filed. A. Comppaint today. Against. Nbc. and. Three. Bc emppoyees,. citing. Deceptive. Journalism. . Zimmerman,. Whos. Chhrged with. Seccnd degrre murder. In. The death. Of. Martin. , says. Nbc. Portrayed him. As. A. Racist. zimmerman. Says. He killed. Martin. In pelfdefense. several. P parents. In california. Are. Uu in aams. About. agym cllssa classa. Because. ayogaa. Ii. Being taught there. sooe. Parents feel. There a. Religious or to yoga. hatt. Gets into. The. Separation of issue. . E. Peea says y its original definition, yoga is a union with the divine. Founddtion have been very is clear ii their own statements that this yoga isst only spiritual, but its inextricable from theii spiritual beliefs. Beliefs. Students are given a chance to opt out. Few do. An. Oklahoma teen. Convicteddof mmnslaughter. In. A. Drunkdriving death. P of. His friend. gets. An. Unusual punishment. Punishment. A. Pjudge. Sentencee. 17yearold tyler. Plled,. To. 10 years prrbation. and. 10 yyars. Off ttending achurcha. Every sunday. that. Rulings. Coming aclu. the. P group says. Thh sentennee. Violates. The. Teens. First amendment rights. Ts not something that automatically happens because pof attendance. I happpns wwe people say i want to behave a pertain way. I want to live and act a certain way. And thh concern is that cant happen if a person is orderee to participate in 3religion. Religion. Alreds aatooney. Says. The teen doos not hve a prrblem with the sentence. Bbcause he goes to church anyway. Quickthinking. From. A. Police officerr. Working. At. A. Washington breathe. New life. Into a students. High school. Careee. officer. Scott rankin sees students. 16. Yearold. Xavier hunter. Was active. In theater. And. Choir. p 3weekss. Ago. frieeds. Thought. He was acting. While. Surreillance camerrs. Were. Rrlling. but. Unnonscious. . He. Hunter,. Has. A rare. Hhart condition. they find it more in athletes and older people so it was shocking for me to get it. If it probably. Him, id be dead a. Week later he. Was back. At. School singing. The praises. Of. P officcr. Rankin 33 Terrell Suggs back at sundays game in landover. Next in sports unnimited. 3 problems. In packaging. The 2. That could cost you a lot of money. After the break sliding down the fiscal after the break 3 im armstrong williams. Facebook. Follow us twwtter ann facebook. 33 just waiting for inspiration to strike. And there it is done. Genius. Give the gift of dunkin coffee. Get two pounds for 14. 99, only at dunkin restaurants. America runs on dunkin. Terrell suggs will not allow season. Already with an belt. Returning from a torn achilles. A second comeback could be around the corner. Corner. 4 dayysaater teering his right biceps. Uggs returned to practice today. Suggg insists he is a game time decision sunday against the redskins. And will not hurts the team. Players have played through torn biceps. Todayyat practice suggs wore a harness. Its still too early to tell if he can plaa with the injury. 3 bbn roethlisberrers back. The steelers quarrerback will start sundaa against thee chargerss. Roethlisberger has missed the last 3 weeks. With a shouler and rib injury. Pittsburgh went 1and2 withh big ben sidelined. Its have the 6thhand final afc seed. Thanks to holding he tiebreaker over cincinnati. The ravens get ready for rg3. Pluu Buck Showalter speaks from the winter meetings. Coming up on the late edition. 3 product. Packaging boxes,. Blister packs,. And. Fancy packaging add. Sanders explains. connumer. Peports. Gets myriad. Complaints. About. All sorts of problems. Pr. 3 p next. A story about a tightknit. Group of friends. Giviig more and poreelove. One hair at a time. And commng p in juss 5 minutes on the late editionn. Edition. A bad day pcalllng 911. Uspect. Why he 3 and a strange scent. Why one company is ounting oo customers being interested in a perfume that smalls like pizza. Boot. But is it really the eliminated x factor ponnestant. Their next step. Live. Tomorrow. 3 its. Been. A. Hard fewwweeks. For. One. schooler. after. Being. Diagnosed with cancer. buu,. his. Classmates. Have 3een upportive. clearwater middle schooll. Tate maurer. Iss. Known as. The kid. With thh cool hair. spikes. And a. Few weeks go p. When. Tate. And. Started chemo. his. Hair. Fell out. so. His. Buudiee. Shaved. Their hair. head. After head. . Even. Little sss. Got ahersa cut. to. Donate. To. Loccs of love 3 tate says its overwhelming its just like all these people who care so much its so cool. Tate says you can do this buddy. How much do i love you . A lot. Why . Because i rock. Yyu do. Do. Tate. Begin to thhnn his friends. wants everyonn. To know. What. This. Meant to him. He had a whole sstff that was supporting this chaaade. Angry parents demand nswers aboutta former schoollworker hello, im jeff barnd. Pjennifer gillerttis off tonight. New. You. Saw. First on fox. . Parents. Confront. City. School officials. demanning. Answers. About. A. School workee. Who faccs. Sex charges. . Got. A 15yeaaold giil. Pregnant. . Pregnant. . Keith daniels. , streaming plive at baltimore chool headquarters. Withhthe story of tonighhs heattd meeti. Meeting. Jeff. Eleeeetary. Ut wood ll investigators say he posed as a uidance counselor and a therapist. Parents saa. They trusted the man. Man. Pay they feel betrayed. Em including one woman who sayss nowlin becaae her 11yearold soossmost trusted confidant during counseling sessions. She says nowlin diagnosed her