The Way That I See It By Burnin Bob on Dec 31, 2020, 3:56pm EST +
As the season comes to a close, there has been a great deal of overall progress and there are a lot of hopeful things going on with the NY Giants. First I d like to say that in my opinion they ve hit it big and have their long term head coach.
The staff that he has put together is a flattering refection of Judge and that is good enough for me.
On top of not having any physical off season program, Saquon getting hurt early kind of took the wind out of their sails early. Keeping Gallman would be a plus but he may find more time and money elsewhere. The O-Line has some pieces. I don t know who put Gates at Center. Whoever it was, they deserve some real credit. He looks like he may be a long term answer and let s not forget who found Mr. Gates, Yes, that would be Getty! Thomas was one of 4 Top Tackles and somebody had to go first. Was he the best? Maybe not, but he has shown that he can play. Anyone thin