As I reflect on the last few months, I feel such an immense sense of pride in our city in how the community has come together to support each other, how groups and individuals have innovated and how new connections have been made. My sense is also there isn’t nearly enough space given to celebrate these things, so today I will honour them by providing the much-deserved space. • More faces in public spaces: Every time I’m out on my bike, for a walk or a hike, I am blown away by the number of people I see outside enjoying our parks, trails and open areas.
Kamloops arts and recreation organizations struggling to survive
A Kamloops group dedicated to helping culture, recreation, and heritage organizations survive the pandemic is issuing dire warnings about the future of B.C. s non-profit organizations.
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CBC News ·
Posted: Mar 13, 2021 10:00 AM PT | Last Updated: March 13
The Kamloops Arts Gallery presented the installation, Luminocity in 2016. A group called Keep Kamloops fears local arts and recreation non-profits will go dark in a second year of the pandemic. (
A group of Kamloops volunteers are making an effort to ensure local not-for-profits in the arts, heritage and recreation sectors survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning in February, Keep . . .
January 19, 2021 - 11:12 AM A new Kamloops non-profit is aiming to boost local arts, recreation and heritage organizations in the wake of effects from the pandemic. Keep Kamloops is using marketing strategies to give these organizations a much needed boost since the COVID-19 lockdown measures began. The people of Kamloops have been waiting for events to come back, but JP Baker, a volunteer behind the campaign says some of the arts and recreation organizations that depend on fundraising, revenue and volunteers have taken a significant. When the pandemic is over, we want to make sure that these organizations are still here to enrich our community. Hence the name let’s keep Kamloops creative, keep Kamloops active, keep Kamloops entertaining, Baker said in the release.