In her Feb. 21 Maine Voices column, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Executive Director Sarah Alexander castigated the federal government for a lack of action to address PFAS contamination of farms and food. I agree with Ms. Alexander both that the state must do more and that it is long past time for federal […]
In our article published in the last edition of this Gazette, we discussed early-to-mid-2021 developments concerning extended producer responsibility programs and regulation of per- and.
Seventeen states have either enacted or proposed limitations regarding using PFAS substances in food packaging containers and materials ("Food Packaging").
Seventeen states have either enacted or proposed limitations regarding using PFAS substances in food packaging containers and materials (“Food Packaging”). These regulations are.
TSCA/FIFRA/TRI - Lynn L. Bergeson Authors “Supply-Chain Aid EPA Proposes PIP 3:1 Compliance Extension” For Chemical Processing: EPA announced on October 21 that it.