Review of the major cases decided in the recently ended u. S. Supreme court term. The judicial nomination and confirmation process. After that, Federalist Society panelists will discuss this terms highprofile opinions. Hello. This is one of the chairs of the colorado federal society. My cochairs are on the wind today but you cannot see them on the screen. I want to thank everyone in our membership and in the audience for coming to todays wonderful presentation. This is one of our Flagship Events of the year. We are honored to have this panel to talk through the 2019 Supreme Court term with you. Im going to introduce our opening speaker then we will turn it over to our moderator who will then throw things off with the panel. We are looking forward to an interesting discussion today with a lot of diverse opinions. We are accepting questions in the q a box. If you have a question, you can open that box and submit a question at any time. We look forward to having a good number of questions
Celebrating 51 years this year. Wed like to thank our supporters, and everyone whether outpouring of love for our bookstore. The Current Situation and things we love most. Pickup and delivery to anywhere in the world. Expanding our mind and bring them new thoughts to make the world a better place. We hope you enjoy this event and we hope you like these books by purchasing a copy for you and your friends. Purchasing a copy of the book here in the most unusual times so thank you so much for your support. In the event coordinator. We will take questions from the audience. Follow on facebook to be motivated. Let your friends know youre here. Patients entering the medical system will receive the best care possible. Its a profound and painful breach. Medical science is made in north strides of increasing mortality but theres no doubt it can cause harm. A significant portion can be prevented. Medical errors and Patient Safety in our National Healthcare conversations. Professional experience a
For conservativism and thats why the most hated apostate. Author of many bestselling books destructive generation and unholy Alliance Just to name a few as well as the black book of the american left of that conservative essays over the past two decades. And there were two american have in his new book relentless resistance to political obstruction that trump has faced with democrat leaders and those enablers to be obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. And then to backfire to galvanized to turn moderate voters to the conservative camp. Using the same winning playbook he has used before. Rush limbaugh has enthusiastically recommended the book as president trump. So let me turn this over to David Horwitz himself. Can you tell us why you title the book blitz . With the racist anti american left and if i dont somebody says why me. There was a huge backlash to start with the creation of the resistance. And the oriental mandarin in washington a very posh hotel. A wonderful hotel. And poli
Y 911. What they came up with though was all Police Officers if they witness a Police Officer committing elite illegal act they pledge to arrest that officer. So the black Police Association in the 1970s and 19 80s pass that resolution among themselves that they would do that whether or not it was sanctioned by the department are not. I think that something that ought to be discussed is one of the remedies of others. Guest Robert Woodson of theer Woodson Center joining us for this conversation. Check out the organization. We are going to georgia go ahead. Caller hello i would just like to say i appreciate mr. Robert wood, he said one word that really caught my attention and that was solutions. I remember when i was younger, police werent like they were today. Its home of leg police are policing for profit to keep the court houses full of lawyers and people are being arrestedrr and harassed for things that are really not c crimes. Victimless crime. Ive got examples im aye guy. I have go
Well going to watching the world winter and im a nice across the mesa Goodness Gracious so everyone was out there on Capitol Steps across the country in state after state saying we want our rights back we want to go outside we want to not have to really be you know at home all the time. And then washington like passes actual things that violate peoples rights they passed things that actually you know it was real there was a show negligence an extension of the old patriot act like that actually does violate u. S. Citizens rights regardless of what you know fancy lawyers want to say in congress or you know people justify that kind of thing and nary a peep or rally 8 the interesting thing about this is that it did hit certain news wave cycles but it didnt get a lot of attention so i think that a lot of americans arent necessarily aware that this is happening and what i did see on social media was a few libertarian groups kind of speak out against it but thus far it. It can a fail like a t