A plethora of councillors highlighted an ‘historically’ dangerous area along the N73 between Mitchelstown and Kildorrery at Glenahulla National School at a recent Northern Committee meeting.
A senior official with Cork County Council has confirmed that Mallow is eligible for the Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme fund and can avail of up to €7 million from this scheme if their application is successful.
“As a resident of Rathcormac, I have twice been flooded. I don’t want to see my house destroyed a third time,” said Claire O’Flynn who addressed the Fermoy Municipal District meeting as part of a deputation from Rathcormac Flood Group on Tuesday morning.
Cork County Council will engage in dialogue with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) over protocols and funding in order to carry out a traffic management plan for the town of Fermoy.
A senior official with Cork County Council said the local authority doesn’t have the capital funding or the revenue available to run another civic amenity site after councillors queried why there wasn’t a civic amenity site in the Fermoy Municipal District.