The Delhi High Court on Tuesday dismissed a plea filed by Vishal Yadav, convicted in the Nitish Katara murder case, seeking regular parole to file a special leave petition (SLP) in the apex court against the order passed by the high court.
Delhi High Court on Tuesday dismissed a plea of Vishal Yadav, convicted in the Nitish Katara murder case, seeking regular parole to file a special leave petition (SLP) in the Supreme Court against the order passed by the Delhi High Court.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Justice Anish Dayal on Tuesday dismissed the plea of Vishal Yadav after hearing the submissions of all the parties. Vishal Yadav had moved the High Court in March 2022. A detailed order is awaited. India News | Delhi HC Dismisses Murder Convict Vishal Yadav s Plea for Parole.
The Delhi High Court on Tuesday dismissed a plea filed by Vishal Yadav, convicted in the Nitish Katara murder case, seeking regular parole to file a special leave petition (SLP) in the apex court against the order passed by the high .