Over the years, I’ve heard several black actors complain about how their preferred hair plan was dismissed by producers. Now one is suing producer NETworks Presentations, 1776 Touring, and several of their employees, claiming that increasing tensions led to her being terminated after she expressed a desire to submit a written racism complaint.
I have called in to the RH Line quite a few times about the many letters being published for Don Overcash. None of my calls have been published. It seems Don has more than his quota of letters being published. Last Wednesday, he had six of the eight letters to the editor, two more on Friday, and two this Wednesday.
Chico State students and their families are disheartened and fearful as they come to terms with the news of the house-party shooting that killed one and wounded five early Saturday morning. Just half an hour before, Chico police said they arrested a man who caused a disturbance and brandished a firearm at the same address.
The National Charity League, Inc., Livermore Chapter (NCL, Livermore) is proud to recognize the Class of 2022 as the third class in their chapter to have completed the full six-year