I tried to cross the street in a roundabout, a very busy roundabout, today. That was like taking my life into my own hands. That was incredibly risky. I think the busy roundabouts need the pedestrian cross light, where you push the button to cross the street. People aren't watching where they're going, and they're going too fast. I'm surprised somebody hasn't gotten killed yet.
These will be the last round of unofficial results, according to the Clerks website, until all election processes are concluded, which will be done no later than Nov. 29.
A razor-thin margin between incumbent Nancy Rumfelt and challenger Briah Freeman will likely trigger the state’s automatic recount process in the Thompson School District Board of Education election. Meanwhile, incumbents Dawn Kirk and Stu Boyd have retained their seats on the board as of preliminary final results released Wednesday, and Denise Chapman emerged victorious over […]
The race between Rumfelt and Freeman remains close, with only 98 votes separating them, but Freeman’s initial lead, 447 votes when the first round of results was released around 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, continued to narrow as the evening stretched on and finally evaporated Wednesday afternoon.
The slate of candidates for school board represented by incumbents Dawn Kirk and Stu Boyd, as well as newcomers Briah Freeman and Denise Chapman, is ahead in the school board race as of early results.