Ports of entry. Coming up next, justices ruth bader again berg and Sonia Sotomayor share stories of the current Supreme Courts food traditions, including topics of conversation at shared meals. We also learn about customs dating to the 19th and 20th centuries. This discussion took place at the Smithsonians National Museum American history here in washington and its just over an hour. So its absolutely a thrill to see so many people here for this kind of a program. My name is john gray and i have the wonderful privilege of being your director of National Museum of American History, particularly on nights like tonight when we can really look at American History in unique and unusual ways. We are honored to be joined by Tonights Panel, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsberg. [ applause ] Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor. [ applause ] katherine fitz. [ applause ] and Supreme Court Society Publications director claire cushman. [ applause ] it is now my privilege to introduce the 13t
These were . They were just kind of glorified canisters. They were little capsules. Or they may say, wow. People really went to space. I wonder why they quit. We dont know what the future is going to hold yet, but these artifacts certainly speak to the past and may provoke thought among people in the future. Watch american artifacts every sunday here on cspan3s American History tv. To see this and similar programs, visit our website, cspan. Org history. 35 years ago on april 12th, 1981, Space Shuttle columbia lifted off from the Kennedy Space center in florida with two crew members onboard. Launching a new era in manned space flight. Next on reel america, Space Shuttle, a remarkable flying machine. A 30minute nasa documentary on the story of the inaugural twoday mission. 22 years later, after 28 missions, Space Shuttle columbia and their sevenmember crew were lost when the craft disintegrated on reentry on february 1st of 2003. The Shuttle Program was retired in 2011. Sunday, april 12t
18th. Pilot mike smith, followed by christa mcauliffe. Payload specialist greg jarvis. 30 years ago on january 28, 198, the Space Shuttle challenger 73 seconds after liftoff taking the lives of seven crew members pictured up. Up next on American History tvs reel america, a 1986 nasa video report detailing the causes of the disaster. The conclusions are the findings of the president ial commission on the Space Shuttle accident released on june 6 of 1986. First, nasas video of the shuttle launch followed by president reagans remarks to the nation from the oval office about five hours after the accident. T minus 15 seconds. T minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six we have main engine start four, three, two, one, and liftoff. Liftoff of the 25th Space Shuttle mission. And it has cleared the tower. Rock and roll, challenger. Confirmed. Challenger now heading down range. Engines beginning throttling down. At 94 . Normal throttle for most of the flight, 104 . Will throttle down to 65 shortly. Eng
Each week, American History tvs reel america brings your archival films that help tell the story of the 20th century. 50 years ago on march 16th, 1956, gemini 8 blasted off with Neil Armstrong and david scott on board. It was the sixth manned mission and one of the primary objectives was to rendezvous and dock with the gina spacecraft. This is a 25 minute nasa film, telling the story of a first docking with another aircraft in space and what caused it to violently tumble in space. The astronauts were forced to abort the mission and return to earth approximately ten hours after blastoff. Ignition. Liftoff. Liftoff. Good flight. How is it looking . Low, no problem. Roger, how about you. Go for stage. Staging. Should that thrust look . That is looking a little high. Roger. Status check. Booster. Go. Retro. Go. Guidance. Guidance, you go . Stand by. Surgeon. Go. Econ. Go. Guidance . Roger, cap come, were go. Early shutdown. We have a shut down. Flight not only had cutoff, stand by. Standin
Posing or being created in American Government, and this fits again with your position, victoria. They were worried that extreme on what would be called the right and extreme on the left would actually cause turmoil that would break down American Government, that the only way to solve the problems of American Government was to find some middle reform, some middlelevel reform. Now, i appreciate very much randy mentioning my book, and along with david bernsteins book, too, which i think is a very good book, but i have two things to pitch for myself about that. I think if youre going to read those two books, youd ought to review my review of bernstein, because its a bit unfair. He wrote his book about 20 years after mine, so i had a shot back at him in a review. The other thing, if you were really interested in that subject, i ought to tell you that the book that youll see in the gift store is not its part of a series that doesnt allow footnotes. But i also wrote that book as a hardback b