The Little Rock Winds and conductor Israel Getzov perform at 7:30 p.m. today, at Second Presbyterian Church in Little Rock, a concert postponed by icy weather from Feb. 24. Baritone Ronald Jenson-McDaniel performs "The Nine," composed by Little Rock native Randall Standridge in honor of the Little Rock Nine and the 60th anniversary of the 1957 Little Rock Central High Crisis.
The Little Rock Winds and conductor Israel Getzov perform at 7:30 p.m. today, at Second Presbyterian Church in Little Rock, a concert postponed by icy weather from Feb. 24. Baritone Ronald Jenson-McDaniel performs "The Nine," composed by Little Rock native Randall Standridge in honor of the Little Rock Nine and the 60th anniversary of the 1957 Little Rock Central High Crisis.