White farmers blast $5bn promised to minority farm-owners in Biden s relief bill as discrimination and racism with Sen. Lindsey Graham claiming it is a form of reparations
White farmers claim $5billion promised to minority farmers in Biden s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package is a form of discrimination
They have slammed the Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act as racism
The bill provides $4billion in direct payments to farmers of color
These payments will cover up to 120 percent of outstanding debt
The other $1bn provides grants and loans to improve land access for minorities
White farmers outnumber minority farmers in the US more than 13 times
Lakota rancher to head Farm Service Agency
Zach Ducheneaux is among a growing list of Indigenous people named to key positions by the Biden administration
Mar 3, 2021
Intertribal Agriculture Council Member Zach Ducheneaux chats with Navajo Nation high school students while in the Whitten Building Patio before Vice President Mike Pence commemorates National Agriculture Day and delivers remarks regarding President Donald J. Trump s National Ag Day Proclamation at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) headquarters in Washington, D.C., on March 20, 2018. (Photo by Lance Cheung, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Zach Ducheneaux is among a growing list of Indigenous people named to key positions by the Biden administration
U.S. Department of Agriculture announces Monica Rainge as deputy assistant secretary for civil rights
Monica Armster Rainge was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture today.
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U.S. Department of Agriculture announces Monica Rainge as deputy assistant secretary for civil rights
Monica Armster Rainge was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture today.
Check out this story on FarmersAdvance.com: https://www.farmersadvance.com/story/news/2021/02/24/u-s-department-agriculture-announces-deputy-assistant-secretary/4550510001/
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AgNews890.com) – The USDA announced the appointment of Gloria Montaño Greene as the Deputy Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation. Zach Ducheneaux is the new Farm Service Agency Administrator.
Montaño Greene is a former Director of the Farm Service Agency in Arizona from 2014-2017, a position she was appointed to by then-President Obama. She led the implementation of the 2013 Farm Bill Programs across the state.
Ducheneaux is the current Executive Director of the Intertribal Agriculture Council, the largest, longest-standing Native American agricultural organization in the U.S. The Council represents all Federally Recognized Tribes and serves 80,000 Native American producers. He also operates his family’s ranch on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in north-central South Dakota with his brothers.
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02/22/2021 10:00 AM EST
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