kate brower now a claimed author. getting so much buzz. thanks for coming on the show, making time. thanks for having me. you re leading politico with the story about what it was like working for the clintons inside the white house. adjectives that they were paranoid people that it was chaotic, that hillary was deeply upset after monica lewinsky. what did you learn about the clintons within the confines of the eight year presidency? the entire eight years it was a roller coaster ride for the staff. i interviewed one whom was head of the storeroom. he had been there since the eisenhower administration. these people stay on forever. he told me look during the lewinsky scandal, she knew this happened, knew everyone was looking at her. she did snap from time to time. there s another scene in the book she was snippy with the
to talk to people at stops along the way without a big entourage or cameras. her video has been viewed over 4 million times. you can do more than just get by. you can get ahead and stay ahead because when families are strong, america is strong. so i m hitting the road to earn your vote because it s your time, and i hope you ll join me on this journey. will it work? that is the million dollar question. tom hard kin served as iowa s democratic senator three decades and joins me by phone. thank you for being on the show. hey luke. nice to be with you again. so hillary clinton did not fair too well in iowa in 2008. a loss to president obama and was also behind john edwards coming in irdthird. what does she have to do to im improve in the state to iowa? i was there in 2008. obama outhustled everyday. he did the door to door town to town thing. john edwards had a lot left over from the vice presidental run. a lot of iowa supported john edwards are breathing a sigh of reli
eerily quiet. another maid told me on the record it was very sad because they all loved the first family. each family they serve they are fiercely loyal to. what you re describing, kate, a bed covered in blood after a violent confrontation where she bloodied up the president of the united states and he slept three or four months on a sofa in another room. yeah, and i think a lot of the staffers told me that especially the women that they were supportive of her in that moment because, you know, they blamed him obviously for what was going on. but, yes, i mean, it s certainly something that s an interesting thing that you can i don t mean to interrupt you. do you have any doubt that your sources are telling you the truth that she beat up the president of the united states, bloody? you re saying that s a fact? right. from the staffer and a couple staffers that told me these stories, yeah.
the president and first lady s bedroom blood on the bed. the president had said he walked into the bathroom door but everyone on the staff said she probably clobbered him with a book. one of the staffers told me there was a lot of arguing. tumultuous time. what goes on in the white house really stays in the white house. you don t hear any of these stories until well after they have left the white house. but it was a roller coaster ride when the clintons were there. that s what i wanted to ask you next. how did you get these sources and what were they allowed to share and what were they sworn to secrecy about? it took a long time to build up trust with some of these people. it took about a year and a half. they were so generous they would invite me to their homes and real live this book pays tribute to the hard working staff. but it also, they wanted to share their memory. they want to show that the first families are just like anybody else. kate brower. thank you so much. 49 mi
what did the white house maid tell you? well the one story about the blood on the bed is from someone who s an anonymous person. but they re actually very close to the clinton they like working for the clintons. they enjoyed their experience with the clintons. so they don t really have an axe to grind. i think it s important to note that it was a very tumultuous time. another florist told me on the record that the second and third floors of the white house were like a morgue. it was just so quiet. eerily quiet. another maid told me on the record it was very sad because they all loved the first family. each family they serve they are fiercely loyal to. what you re describing, kate, a bed covered in blood after a violent confrontation where she bloodied up the president of the united states and he slept three or four months on a sofa in another room. yeah, and i think a lot of the staffers told me that especially the women that they were supportive of her in that