Oxford Bus Company managing director Phil Southall said: “Thanks to all of the charities and good causes that entered and to everyone who took the time to vote. So many inspiring good causes made submissions, and it is a timely reminder there are many excellent organisations doing much vital work in our community.
The Home-Start Oxfordshire branded bus “The competition has gained in popularity attracting more public votes and we hope it has provided some positivity and a well-deserved boost during Covid-19. “As ever it will be a challenge to select the overall winner from such a strong short list.”
A very good morning to you it is now ten o clock and time to get you up to date with all the latest a B.B.C. News Fox which could not leave a former Conservative Party chairman has told the B.B.C. To reason may should stand down as prime minister Grant Shapps has admitted compiling a list of around thirty Tory M.P. s who want a leadership election his own political correspondents later nothing he thinks he s failed to have a relaunch he s felt a stand health authority on the party and the pretty disastrous culprit speech the process think is a catalyst to try to make her go thoughts there are plenty of cabinet ministers and backbenchers who have come out in strong support of two ways in my saying this is not the time for any civil action Well one of those supporting the prime minister is Victoria Prentiss Conservative M.P. For Bambery she told us now is not the time for change at the moment we have some really really important decisions to take as a country and in my view it s much be
A very good morning to see what is now 10 o clock and time to get you up to date with all the latest B.B.C. News with Sophie now wellnigh News 8 venue in Oxford has been saved to the withdrawal of plans to convert it into retail space his B.B.C. Radio Oxford s Alison deal was. Signed a petition to keep the cellar open the application by the landlord to redevelop the basement venue beneath the shop was officially withdrawn on Wednesday the seller called the support it had received massively inspiring and motivating many bands of launch their careers at this hour including the falls under glass animals Conservative M.P. For Wantage Ed Vaizey says he is concerned for tourism A after her mishap strings speech to the party conference yesterday her policies were overshadowed by her croaky voice letters falling off the party slogan sign and the intervention of a practical joker there have been remiss at Westminster that dozens of Conservative M.P. s have been discussing whether she should be