A very good morning to see what is now 10 o'clock and time to get you up to date with all the latest B.B.C. News with Sophie now wellnigh News 8 venue in Oxford has been saved to the withdrawal of plans to convert it into retail space his B.B.C. Radio Oxford's Alison deal was. Signed a petition to keep the cellar open the application by the landlord to redevelop the basement venue beneath the shop was officially withdrawn on Wednesday the seller called the support it had received massively inspiring and motivating many bands of launch their careers at this hour including the falls under glass animals Conservative M.P. For Wantage Ed Vaizey says he is concerned for tourism A after her mishap strings speech to the party conference yesterday her policies were overshadowed by her croaky voice letters falling off the party slogan sign and the intervention of a practical joker there have been remiss at Westminster that dozens of Conservative M.P.'s have been discussing whether she should be persuaded to step down and phasey is Conservative M.P. For Wantage and he's concerned plans about pranksters and also in a right to be much much worse. For them. And she lost her voice it was just the sort of we were always talking about this morning well it should have been a keynote speech that repeated the Tory Party at Downing Street source has said resignation is not an issue for trees in May She's been backed by senior cabinet ministers with the Business Secretary Greg Clarke praising her guts and grace the F.B.I. Says there's no evidence yet to suggest that this week's mass shooting in Las Vegas was terrorism It also confirmed that the girlfriend of the gunman STEPHEN PADDICK had been questioned about the attack but was not in custody Marilou Danley has said she had no idea of what he was planning climate change and war are the biggest challenges facing Oxford based charity Oxfam has according to Chief Executive Mark Goldring as the charity marks its 75th anniversary today it started a church school in 1942 and is now leading in the fight against global poverty Mark Goldring says the effects of war are being felt more than ever more people are being displaced more people are having their homes their livelihoods and their lives affected by war and by conflicts this week we have the appeal for help for the ring to. Refugees fleeing into Bangladesh is just one example police are preparing to publish the results of an investigation into allegations of child abuse against the ENT prime minister said would he thought his thought offices have completely concluded they would have interviewed the politician and for Mark's Virginian president under caution about some of the claims had he still been alive and pretax profits at the sofa chain D.F.S. Have fallen by more than 20 percent The company said the furniture market was very challenging due to post bricks it economic uncertainty and the continuing weakness of sterling Oxygen's weather for today rain will dry out brighter weather moving in with a sunny afternoon ahead staying breezy with highs of 16 degrees Celsius that 61 Fahrenheit B.B.C. Radio Oxford news it's 3 minutes past 10 Thank you kindly so free your life your story. On B.B.C. Radio a very good morning and welcome to the show today and to something a little different actually for the Concord conversation that it's an educational special this morning as we're going to be joined by former senior off state inspector Chris Russell Now the G.C.S.E. Exam grading system has changed dramatically significantly and it's confusing for parents like you and I teach as employers we will understand it better in the next hour if you have any questions about your child or your grandchild education here not switch or whether on that exam grading class sizes perhaps funding school ratings of inspections if you find it confusing actually as I do do get in touch because it's your opportunity to have your questions directly answered by a man who knows you can direct your questions to him you can hear straight from the horse's mouth so call me right now 345931 double one alternatively always you can text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford educational special whatever your question directed to the for. See Mia Ofsted inspectors Chris Russell 034593 double 11 double one. On B.B.C. Radio. Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston takes to B.B.C. Radio Oxford a very very good morning to you and bit of a special on this warning actually something a little different is that we do have an educational special that we're joined by Chris Russell who's a former senior Ofsted inspectors and now regional director it's nice to have you here Chris thanks very much for asking me if you do have any questions of course from the man who knows 034593 double 11 double one I also am joined in the studio by Tony had learned Tony is from the Oxford Local History Association and was a parent governor in the 1980 S. You care about education Nice to see tiny and public cries here as well as a former journalist and has led the global communication for Greenpeace he's a father to twin girls will be joining doing their G.C.S.E. Next year one of whom has been recently diagnosed as being dyslexic. Father nice to see you. Or Welcome to the studio number to call me and get your questions directly in fact to Chris Russell 834593 double 11 double one you can of course text as well 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford of course this summer saw the 1st cohort of school people sitting in the new G.C.S.E. Several subjects in fact were graded using the new number system rather than getting A's C's in F.'s students can expect to see ones sixes or even a 9 on their results but what do they mean I'm confused perhaps your grandparents or parents who's confused by these as well are these changes confusing teachers pupils parents even employers in the future as well let me reintroduce Chris Russell former senior Ofsted inspector now regional director and you're here for this entire hour for this educational special So how long were you a senior off stead inspector Well I've worked for office there now for 11 years I came from a school background and my last job before joining was as a head teacher I came in as an inspector and then of worked as a senior inspector and now I'm the regional director of a cover all of our state's work across the southeastern region I mean as a parent just look to you know Ofsted reports you know when choosing a school in fact you know I was I was there reading through where you know that the entire report and we're very guided by Ofsted as parents grandparents CHRIS Yeah absolutely an obviously that's a huge responsibility for their DON'T for me as the regional director to make sure that our reports are inspections inspectors are a fantastic job and i Reports really tell the story for parents because job it is it is it is it is a tough job to do that right but obviously it's really important absolute get that right and that our reports are really speaking to parents because we know they're the main people who use them let's start with the grading system because I am confused by it all as I'm sure I speak on behalf of many grandparents and parents alike who perhaps didn't even understand why the grading system Chris had to change in the. Space just talk us through it yeah I mean there are a number of changes socio to with the new G.C.S.E. Exams but yeah I guess the one that really graphs people's attention is that that new grading system from as you say moving for a start a G 2 a kind of want a 9 scale 9 being at the top. And it is a very different scale I mean the basic idea of that is to create more sort of fine grades at the top end if you like because you think at the moment you've got a star A B. C. Is the top grades I thought I was well got well why do we need more fine grades of the top it was working well and obviously ultimately changes to things like this for the government government policy but the rationale behind that is to be able to distinguish much more at the top end ensure that we are as a nation stretching our most stable peoples and ensuring that they're getting the education that they need so that's what that's all about really to create that those final levels at the top and the thing is that the I'm sure by the time my 4 and a half year old reaches G.C.S.E. Age the grading system is going to change again to do except what Chris Chris says right as a parent of 2 girls that are going to be doing their G.C.S.E. Next year at the moment they're going to be doing some G.C.S.E. That will be graded $1.00 to $9.00 will be doing some that will be graded 8 he. You call age G.E. But. Everyone's familiar with the past as being a silly and it means they're not when they're presenting anything to potential employer that I would be entirely sympathetic if an employer said I'm sorry I just don't understand this what does it mean because the new top grade is a 9 Well I've got bright girls I would expect to be getting those higher ones in general assuming everything goes or ice but to say oh I got A's in this and I've got you know 708 or something in in others. It it's going to be confusing so I think the key thing is you know what kind of information messages are going out there so that the market children emerging from education are going into a fully cognizant about just what this all means I mean some of those questions clearly are for the government because you know we're an independent inspector at the government sets the policy rightly and and obviously it's our job to go in over the next few years and see how well it's working out a lot on that. I think the Reassure understand that I think that reassurance for young people and for parents is because I do appreciate over the next few years we got a mic system so people going to have a mixture of those 2 systems in their grades and that does add a bit of complexity but I guess the reassurances we've had changes there before people get used to them and everybody is in the same boat you know every young person will be taking exams over the next 2 or 3 years will be in that same boat What do you. Say what teachers say Chris Well they confused by it all well I mean I guess you know. Teachers are delivering it you know depending on what subjects they teach etc They'll be used to the changes within their subject English and math as we know has already changed lots of other subjects coming on this year so teachers will be getting used to that as they make those changes within their subject and although it's time to change probably all they want to do is teach children you know they don't to be learning the system absolutely and some you know I could say it's off that doesn't set the policy that's for it that's a central government but some of the rationale about these changes is to is to create more time for learning and not to take quite so much perhaps on the assessment coursework at such length so that some of the rationale behind it so that teachers can focus on the teaching more than the assess and there are parents and grandparents that will be perhaps you know concerned that the new cohort that went through this system are perhaps seen as guinea pigs if you like and that. Attention might be detrimental to to their children their grandchildren. I mean negatively when you make changes is always going to be a 1st year that I can speak personally here because I was the 1st year of comprehensive and the 1st year of a 3 tier system which of course was commonly used at that point so I know what it's like to go through changes in the education system. And. Again everybody is in the same position there and I think as a country we probably got used to change more than perhaps back in those times really so people are more skilled in schools that are actually dealing and managing with those changes to ensure that that people's aren't disadvantaged Tony Abbott is a time of change there's no doubt about it I think what you say Chris and we do need to change from time to time in the past it's been quite easy to do that we have the transition from G.C. To G.C.S.E. And people could really still sort of riffle long with that but the point I think it's the fact that the scale now goes in the opposite direction there's going to confuse people and I'm just thinking in terms of looking at job applications and in my various careers in the past I've had to go through some time to get a job and there's a really 100 applications coming and you're trying to sift through these things and I think that's going to make it it's going to be a little bit of a disadvantage for some people where when somebody who isn't never necessarily that well informed and one might say why should they be that they suddenly see a 9 and they think that's not much good. Or as it's equivalent to an A or something like that I think as you said there's a really important job over the next year or 2 for to make sure that people do understand all of that and the employers understand that and of course that means repeating those message doesn't it about yes changes and of course it will get easier over time as that becomes the commons and then we'll get used to it it'll change again for $593.00 double double one it's an education special that we're joined by Chris Russell Chris is a former senior Ofsted inspector he's now a regional director also Tony had lent and McCrae in the studio as well but ultimately I'd like to hear from you your parent or grandparent Do you worry about how the new grading system in schools Do you worry how it might affect your children your grandchildren are you still confused or even having some explanation from Chris Russell this morning perhaps it's not so much about the exam grading Perhaps you'd like to pose Chris a question about class sizes about school inspections whatever that is 034593 double one why. One you can text 133 Start your message with the B.B.C. Radio. Thank a little different it's an educational special. I'm joined in the studio Chris Russell Chris is a former inspector. A regional director also joining me in the studio. As well so if you do have a question about our education system a concern perhaps if you have a son or daughter a grandchild perhaps in school in Oxfordshire I'd like to hear from you this morning you can pose your question directly to the man who knows Chris Russell on 345 now. I'm 3 double 11 double one now where I live Chris there are several schools that's in fact I see lots of schools around Oxfordshire that fly their banners as it were on the perimeter fence which says off stead outstanding when you go into a school what are you looking for what deems a school in Oxfordshire outstanding. I think the 1st thing to say is it's not about tricks and it's not about gimmicks and I think sometimes people think is that it's got to be around those kind of things it's not if you go back to what the school is there for the school is there to enable young people to learn and make excellent progress and be really prepared for life and then standing schools do that really well and of course that's all about the tests and exams but it's also about so much more in terms of people's wider skills and their willingness at the end to go out there into the world of further further higher education and work and cetera and the way in which they're developed as young people and typically in outstanding schools that I've been into that real enthusiasm and excitement about education comes over from the young people because they're getting such a really good experience in the classroom and in other parts of the way in which the school work to do it do you think that children in schools and in your experience as you visiting Oxford schools they have enough time to develop as individuals because there is so much pressure on our children that there is so much emphasis on academia academic achievement you know you've got to be you know academic you've got to achieve so the school means of course you know the criteria or whatever and so often children are there are children that are bright but not necessarily academic Do you think there are the opportunities for those children to develop individually to perhaps you know realize their potential and flourish I mean the best school certainly yes I mean clearly there's a there's a whole range of schools out there from El standing schools to one that we've gone in and said are not good enough are inadequate So it depends on the individual school bus. You know the best the better schools the best schools certainly do that because they recognize that academic achievement is really important is no there's no denying it but actually it's not the only thing that's important it is about the those broader developments but also you're probably not from all peoples going to get back Demick development unless you've got other parts as well so that people are really developed more broadly as young people that they're enjoying coming to school they're enjoying the wider opportunities they're getting in school and then people are much more engaged with education generally I'm much more likely to make that she meant in terms of the the academic subject McCrae I think the biggest difficulty there anybody faces when when it comes to you know what does outstanding mean what does good mean is is the atmosphere within the school itself and when your guys come in I think it's fair to say from teachers I've spoken to they fear it like the Spanish Inquisition because it creates a tension they know it's coming they know that there might be a follow up if they're borderline between being outstanding in good and then there's supposedly an inspection to decide whether they're going to be higher or lower all of that communicates down to the children there's tension that that contact really be good and I just question the value of this constant evaluation especially when you might get inspected for your are you going up or are you going down the next day or you might have to anything up to 2 years and I mean I'm not quite sure what the rationale is when you're leaving these people who just have the Spanish Inquisition and to leave them in limbo life seems peculiar to me I think I mean to answer that really I've been on the other side of inspections so I know that whatever we do there's going to be stress associated with inspection you can never completely remove it because it is high stakes people want to do well it cetera. What I would say. I totally knowledge that and it's my job and the job of my colleagues to do as much as we possibly can to reduce that I was close to showing an inspection last week and one thing that really impressed me was exactly what we looked for the way in which the inspector that one of the main things they they focused on was making sure that people at ease and reducing the stress as much as they possibly can really so it's an enormous priority for us to make sure that we do reduce that we know we can never completely do it but it's a key priority for us but the other thing I'd say there too is I think because we do say very clearly we don't have these particular things that we look for that you must do that there's a checklist and all that it's not about that it's about doing the right things for the young people that's what we're looking at and that's the day job of the school and what I'd say is so job of the head teacher really to to manage that process and so people at least to to actually say you know we're doing our job as a school we're doing a good job they're coming to look at that you know you know go with that really don't get too stressed about it so 345 $93.00 double $11.00 double one it's an educational special Smalling my guests in the studio a crisscross are you hearing from him he's a former senior often inspector now the regional director also Tony had learned McRae here as well but if you do have a question for Chris call us up right now he'll answer it he'll do his best over 34593 double 11 double. 3 B.C. Brady 0 Oxford your time saver travel let's In the meantime get the latest on our switches roads we got problems in Abingdon Emma what's going on. Well is just looking unusually busy heading into Abingdon at the moment looking at the speed sensors the A $415.00 is really congested heading towards having Intel football club have reports of any specific problems but it's definitely looking unusual for this time of day other than that a lot of the main routes are looking quite clear just a bit of the usual traffic on the A 40 that's looking quite busy around cathing to some. The traffic on the 840 around the roundabout was well and also you have delays a Great Western Railway that's about the 15 minutes between Oxford and was to shore up hill slippery rails on time saver travel from B.B.C. Radio Oxford on average earnings call your travel 034593 double 16 double 6. At the time save the travel. B.B.C. To create a U.K. Slash Oxford one of your favorites to get up to date life coverage of the biggest breaking stories what's happening right now at schools through Oxfordshire lives for a constantly updated rolling news blog you can see the pictures and watch exclusive online videos about the biggest issues there's an amazing gallery of your photos in Oxygen's big picture plus links to sports news weather updates and every Friday catch up on the best 5 things from there we B.B.C. Dog or U.K. Oxford Oxygen's news online. The conversation with cats and coal as 34593 double 1171 is B.B.C. Radio something a little different it's morning it's an education special with my guest in the studio Chris Russell former senior officer inspector now regional director if you do have a question for him if you're a parent a grand parent with perhaps a question a concern over 345931 double one will come back to the conversation in just a couple of minutes time something actually to let you know about their the Oxford half marathon takes place this Sunday the 8th of October David Praver is running like a gazelle these days and all week they have been stopped for his from other runners on his breakfast club as part of the build up to the big day. The sports team will be offering full coverage of the event on Sunday for 9 including the chance for runners to see themselves on Facebook live so what tomorrow on my program I'm not going to be running oh no that'll never happen but I will. Speaking to 2 men who are running dressed. As. Perhaps. Tomorrow. The way most. Radio It is a chemical conversation something just a little different actually this morning it's an education special joined by Chris Russell who's a former senior Ofsted inspector now the regional director also Rod McRae He is well. In fact to has the twin girls who were will be doing over the next 12 months that she that. There's already. A rising in fact talking if you just joined us we were talking about the very confusing change dramatic change the grading system if you do have any questions on that you can direct them at Christmas morning 183-4593 double 11 double one Tony how to by the way back in the day in the eighty's with was a parent school governor as was indeed Yes Yes That was St Martin's School commission park which actually went across the boundaries of its catchment was partly Oxfordshire partly. But yeah we sent our lads there because it had a very good reputation time and tied in with the church we attended and that was very good and then after that we moved into a different sector because my employer in those days had a scholarship scheme somebody with Mr Good Enough from this very fine city good enough bank left a big bequest that anyone who worked for a certain bank that I. Worked for could whether they were toilet cleaners all the directors could put their kids in for the. Scholarship and markets went through that and they got the scholarship so they then went into the private sector until Nigel Lawson put tax on the scholarships and killed that and then they went to a local comprehensive school for the 6th form so they had quite a mixed variety of education over the time. A concern of mine Chris is bullying in schools and I speak from personal experience actually because my son was bullied several times in different schools not just in this county. How do you get the assurance from schools that you inspect that there is an effective bullying policy in place so so anybody that has a child or grandchild in school is assured that their child grandchild. Will not be bullied or that it will be dealt with in the appropriate way if that does happen the 1st thing to say is this is very much a top priority for us and we know how awful it is for a child and of course for a parent or grandparent who are witnessing that for the child to be bullied so it's absolutely a top priority for us on an inspection it feeds into a number of grades we look very closely at it we look at the policy Absolutely and what's the policy say and what's happening we look at cases. We talk to a lot of pupils and some of that discussion with pupils in groups that were put together it's also informally around the school and inspectors are skilled at really trying to get underneath that and if there are things to know about bullying we all know of course bullying happens in every school don't we and I've always been worried if I'm going to school in this day we know we never have bullying here never had it you know because we all know that's that's not the real world but it's actually the school being absolutely tuned in to it and absolutely doing everything they possibly can and where it does happen dealing with it really effectively so we get underneath all of that by those different routes really by looking at the policy by looking at cases that happen by talking to pupils formally and informally . And really making sure that we get underneath that in a particular school and that if it's not done properly but that is absolutely a major issue from that inspection What would you say is is the policy that schools should be following I mean what do parents need to hear from from a head teacher if they do have a concern about bullying Well I think this various things they're really I mean some of it is ideal it was the don't want because you don't want bullying to happen we all know it's going to happen sometimes but you need to make sure that you do everything possibly as possible as a school to make sure that doesn't happen a lot that's about the culture isn't it really about the way that you work with the the children and young people to have the right culture in school about relationships and respect in the way that you engage with each other and those kind of things that actually the school's got to be proactive about promoting those things so that people see that as kind of the prevailing culture in the school I think it's all about culture. I think it really is all about culture you know I'm a consumer at the moment and what I see is a school which is talking constantly about if you like respect and about consideration all of these things are and are constantly talked about but also the beginning of pretty much at the beginning of every year there are certain things that appropriate levels are introduced and that includes if you like cyber bullying as well so that my sense is that the kids are are equipped at their school to know and identify even if it's just I'm not quite comfortable I'm not sure that they they have that and that that that's good so my experience unlike cats is has been very positive but I really do think it does come down to the proactivity and talking about it and saying there is a 0 policy because you have to challenge every. A little bit of bullying. In an appropriate way if you're going to get on top of the big stuff you know substitute right because in essence bullying is a continuum isn't it from that very minor crossword through to to serious physical incidents etc And if you get the culture right then you're actually picking those things up at a very low level really but I think certainly for schools obviously they want to make sure that anything that's happening there know about that they've got atmosphere in school that people feel happy to bring these things forward and they know they'll be dealt with well they'll deal with effectively Chris do you see enough respect in the classroom I'm not think inevitably. Good things about education don't hit the news as much as Bad things do they really the reality is that most schools are good or outstanding you go into most schools as I do and have done over the years and mostly what you see is really good things and ordered environments and people being respectful and people enjoying learning and and all of those things you know that is very much the norm but of course inevitably that's not the bit that hits the headlines really and you know I I really really do feel very confidently that you know over the over the years that I've been in education schools improved education is improved in the vast majority of teachers and I saw its international Teacher's Day and the vast majority of teachers I've been a teacher my wife's a teacher you know do incredibly committed and do a fantastic job OK International I should have baked a cake. Also off the 25th anniversary of the day we're going to 25 years of. Class sizes there's another concern parents grandparents again you know I hear time and time again that there are too many pupils in the classroom and of course that gives teachers many many challenges when they are trying to teach a class of 30 plus. Yeah I mean I'm not sure that that has changed that significantly over the years of course it depends how schools operate as well if sometimes if you're setting you can get bigger smaller groups etc. And I'm not pretending it's not a challenge of course to manage a larger group of people's perception but you know I've seen some really good lessons with big groups I've seen some lessons that really work very good with small groups so effective teachers that's one of their key skills is managing a group of people's $152030.00 or whatever you know teachers do that really well incredibly skilled at managing the classroom and reading their class and knowing their pupils and ensuring that the lesson moves forward and everybody's in gauging learning and and enjoying what they're doing it's an interesting one. And here these stories about to Far East and schools in the emerging economies where they have very large losses and it reminds me actually in my own education primary school in grammar school I was never in a class of less than $42.00 I think until I got to the 6th form and nobody thought anything about it nobody said these are large classes they were just normal then I think they seem to work that one of the things that the obviously that is a problem at any school in the class is when you've got the extremities of the extremely bright child and the one at the other end and how there was a cage at 4 and I've come across when I was a parent gum and I came across a situation in the school in question where there was a very bright child who used to just hide under the table and the headmistress thought that he was psychologically a mallet so I actually got into sky a psychologist through the local authority and they just found he was completely bored because he lost everything in about 3 months of half of the years course and was just bored to death and in fact he actually ran away with one of his mates on one occasion because they thought they were going to live in the woods and they're about 9 at the time they were going to live in the woods of South also because they were fed up with the school. Yeah I mean I think you know that's where good teachers are absolutely to live a life to those issues and they really know the class they really know the individuals and that's not going to pass them by and they're going to do it do something about it they're going to change what they're doing to make sure that young person is engaged early learning it's really important to keep hold of those good teachers because let's face it you know now executive side of this is good teachers are leaving the profession for a number of reasons you know. If I can just talk about class sizes briefly just earlier this week there was one head teacher backed up by another from from Dark sure I believe he was he was saying the cuts that were experiencing in school budgets and there's a new there's a new formula as well which is changing things around has led to the number of teachers at schools being reduced to such an extent that their only option is to increase class sizes Now that's clearly going to have an impact on on the teachers that certain teachers teaching and the quality of education children get I'm just wondering how as a good how as an Ofsted inspector can you go into a school and say all the schools doing really well or all or be critical of them when actual fact half of the quality decisions could be based on the budget that they're given to play with. And I think the 1st thing to say is it's not for me really to say anything about school funding as quickly that's a matter for sense that you have the consequence I'm going to deal with I think I mean certainly we're finding a lot of heads are saying that they're feeling it to be quite tough at the moment in terms of managing budgets etc. I think. Having said that there what we've found over the years is often it's not about the money we've seen really good schools in parts of the country where perhaps funding levels are relatively low we've also seen school was actually very well funded that are not doing very well so I'm not pretending for a minute that the budget isn't important but actually. It's you know schools can do really well despite actually seemingly with a challenging budget invited Vice versa and actually want to do a mint many ways rely heavily on parent governor participation and of course you could expect that Sony is their former Now Governor indeed here and ask parents to chip in voluntarily to to top up the coffers it's not always volunteer anything I mean I know the social pressure is certainly yeah absolutely but I had a request for a school trip that we that we had to pay for that's absolutely fine but it was that or it didn't happen yet so it's not it's not a violent it's not a voluntary contribution these days it's mandatory otherwise chip trips don't happen and absolutely. And that sort of thing we had to look at school the other day reported today covering that and people being asked to send in money to pay for books. That's Henley on Thames you know. You wouldn't expect to be in there in. 34593 double one wonderful wanted you want to come back on that Chris Well I was I was actually going to pick up the point that you touched on there Kat actually about about retaining teachers and that's not a recent phenomenon actually because over the years that you know it's been quite phenomenon that teachers you know don't necessarily stay in the profession many do of course but but quite a lot leave and I think it's a really good point that actually what we really want to do as a country is make sure that our best teachers stay in the classroom now we're committed to do our bit about that I think it's absolutely right that we go in there and we that we evaluate schools and we write honestly in that people have got that they know how well schools are doing and I really do think that's made a difference to schools effectiveness over the years but the last thing we want to do is be any. And of course the people leaving the profession and that's why we're absolutely committed to doing everything that we can to removing that stress do you think do you think that. Do you think you have done in the past you know when when a school gets their Ofsted report and actually you know you put them into special measures that is incredibly demoralizing for somebody is committed to educating children and perhaps they have made that decision to leave the profession do you feel a responsibility that you know in the past that that may have happened I think well I think if we're talking about special measures it's very tricky when a school goes into special measures but if you've been into a school that requires special measures as I have inspected it and made that difficult judgment. You you absolutely have no doubt about it because you very clearly see that the pupils are getting a very poor deal and that actually you can do something about it by by making that very clear by putting it in special measures and things that happen from that. But you know coming coming so it's absolutely the right thing to do but coming back that's a difficult time for a school but actually even a school goes into special measures there are actually probably plenty of teachers there are doing a good job and there are others that potentially could be doing a good job if the school is sorted out of leadership to sort it out and that's one of the real heartening things sometimes actually from having monitored special measures you go back to the over a period of time and teachers that were really struggling back when the school was put in special measures and now doing a good job and the problem was before they were getting that support and help for the process itself can actually be really helpful post. One wonderful one that you have access this morning to Chris Russell. Inspector Now regional director as well as your questions to him right now 183459311. That. Was. Such. A good book. Because this. Smoke. a very good morning it's an education special and was coming to that I'm joined in the studio by Chris Russell he's a former senior offset inspector now regional director as well Tony cattle and. And what McCray are my guests in the studio so when you see the outstanding off dead rating of course well you know that that that was your job as a senior officer inspector of course for about 11 years should we get rid of outstanding just bearing in mind everything that we've been talking about today thus far should perhaps that off stead rating be a thing of the past should it go I think it's a really interesting question actually and we have a new chief inspector who is very open to look at the ways in which we work and and for us to actually evaluate those things and consider them and that's you know that's what we're doing with the new strategy that we recently published etc. I think this pros and cons to it I do think the off the outstanding grade does something that it is something out there it's the pinnacle it's something that people can feel well actually we can go and look at that because we've got some really strong really really really good practice in that area in that school etc So my personal view is actually there is value in it probably. But I guess that you know the flip side of that is the situation we do have of the moment is if you're judged to be outstanding we say you are exempt from routine inspection now that means of course you might never be inspected it could well be a long time will probably only be coming back really if concerns develop and I guess there's a question about that because headscarf and saying to us there's a school down the road that got outstanding 7 or 8 years ago when we think was good as them and we think they're not so good now and so on but of course I can't prove that so we quite often hear that and how far down the line do you then sort of hear about concerns Well of course that is always the danger of the by the time I mean obviously we try and keep our eye on all schools but of course there's that danger by the time we get in maybe it won't even have slipped to good maybe it will be required improvement or even sometimes worse we by that you know by the time we get in there so there's also the difficulty of the it's an overall scoring in effect you know you've fit in force. Categories and I can understand a school and the parents who are fully supportive of what's going on in a school feeling a sense of indignation that their school hasn't done outstanding and it might be for one very minor technical reason they were literally on the borderline and I'm just wondering how appropriate it is because it's it's such a Phillip and a morale booster and a confidence giver to get that outstanding catting agree and you know the majority of schools are probably in that good category and they're doing they're doing something that's absolutely terrific but maybe have just slipped up on one or 2 things the sort of things that could be corrected within a matter of months but the but they're there badge has to be paraded outside on the school gates as good rather than outstanding for potentially years and that if I worry that it's a bit of a crude instrument I guess I think the 1st thing I'd say to that is. When you judge schools outstanding good whatever it's absolutely not about a checklist and you've got to tick all these boxes and that makes you good or outstanding It's the professional judgment against the criteria but it's best fit so you know you're not constrained by what we've got to tickle the boxes there and I think that's hopefully reassuring but is no doubt about it I mean very very thankfully very few schools are inadequate not that many requires improvement a large proportion of good and of course that that's the big a big range there for as you say if a school is really near the top of good there's not going to be that much difference between that and an L. Standing school so it's one of those consequences isn't it of having the grades there that but of course you know that they don't tell the whole story but hopefully the report does tell the whole story and that's why we really focus on telling those clear messages the parents so that they can actually read that and they can see all this might be a good school but actually this is really clearly a very strong good school. Or C good school but you know a few things to sort out there as well etc One of the things that has changed in the last couple of decades with Ofsted as you give much shorter notice before you go how is that effective things and I think that's absolutely right that we give half a day's notice now of course enough that started it was several weeks you know people were writing policies and also we're absolutely in a very different place now it's the sort of lunchtime of the day before. And actually most of the motivation around that Miss worth stressing that is actually to reduce stress so it's not that we're going to ring you up and we're coming in a week's time and you've got you know week to worry about it it's a very short period people can't really do anything in that time other than sort of get things arranged for inspectors. But you know some people say I think half a day surely that the school can make itself look very different even with that times go and absolutely not because the nature of the way inspectors work is you're looking at a wide wide range of evidence and you absolutely see the school as it is something that crops up quite a lot and his life skills Chris and in fact only a few days ago we were talking about life skills and you know with the child obesity crisis because it is you know we can't ignore that there should be more home economics on the curriculum of in fact every school in the country should be mandatory do you see life skills because we are raising adults do you see those sort of life skills coming back into the school curriculum. I mean I think they're absolutely important as you say I mean let's not lose track of what schools are there for schools that you know you can you can dress it up how you like but schools are there to help young people prepare for life aren't they really and of course that's about learning the academic subjects and gaining qualifications and all of that but it is about getting those broader skills be it as you say around actually being able to manage your money and cook and all of those things but also the kind of underpinning things around confidence and resilience taking a knock you know those sort of thing on the chances of actually really good you know good schools can actually really develop that in the young people and those things are absolutely important and good schools there's no doubt recognize that and they know that as I said before. Actually if you don't get that right you probably won't really get as much as you can out of the other part the academic part of how is Oxford to doing some it up have the schools the education system here in this county How's it going well what I would say that actually I've been reading direction 3 regions East Midlands North West 2 so I can really sort of compare against the country and what I would say Oxfordshire is very much like the Southeast generally and I think you know what we should hang on to as we're very fortunate you know we've got strong proportions of good and outstanding schools our test and exam results stand up very well to other parts of the country but actually the real bit that stands out for the negative there is the outcomes the achievement Septra for disadvantaged people where there's a big big gap actually in the southeast between how well disadvantaged pupils do and how well other peoples do so that's the thing that really stands out but that set against you know a generally a really positive picture in the region and in Oxfordshire certainly we've run out of time but. In regards to talks which are any homework what should be what should we working on. Well what I would say is probably what I said throughout really for schools in Oxfordshire the thing you know sometimes people say how do we prepare for inspection and I always say don't you just do the right things for your children and young people thank you very much indeed for joining us this special this education special this morning Chris former senior Ofsted inspector now a regional director and a father as well thank you very much thanks to my guests as well Tony had learned. Thank you. For your time saver travel on the roads right our old teachers had an English teacher Mr Robinson the word SRI which seemed. Clear of the physics teacher who told me our amount to. Nothing in life was. In the News for oxygen with film us a well known music venue in Oxford has been saved after the withdrawal of plans to convert it into retail space has B.B.C. Radio Oxford's Alison Dawson 13000 people signed a petition to keep the cellar open the application by the landlord to redevelop the basement venue beneath the shop was officially withdrawn on Wednesday the seller called the support it received massively inspiring and motivating many bands of launch their careers at the Cellar including the foals and last animals to raise a maze Miss abstraction speech of the Tory party conference yesterday was a worrying missed opportunity that from want to jump a Ed Vaizey quite a few people who will now be pretty firmly she should resign I didn't read. The election result but the Tory party conference was a great opportunity to reboot the party of National Review country to give a clear sense of direction and that yes I am senior members of the Conservative Party have been rallying around to reason may after her speech was overshadowed by her croaky voice letters falling off the party slogan sign and the intervention of a practical joker next a terminally ill man who has lost his bid in the High Court to change the law on assisted dying Knol Conway who has motor neuron disease had wanted a doctor to be allowed to prescribe a lethal dose of drugs when his health worsened. Police think the man behind the Last Vegas massacre may have been planning an earlier attack they say Stephen paddock booked a hotel room overlooking another outdoor music event in the city a week before Sunday's shooting which left 58 people dead a fall in consumer confidence and confusion over air quality plans are to blame for a drop in new car. Our sales for the 6 months in a row that's according to industry experts figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and traders so just over $426000.00 new cars were registered nationally in September that's a drop of more than 9 percent on the same month last year 12282 new county be built minis were registered and that has a 6 percent fall. A project helping young people with special needs get work says it's beating the odds Oxfordshire supported internships arranges placements for 16 to 24 year olds and then supports them for a year the idea is that then helps them secure permanent jobs lead part on the project Will Gardner says when it comes to work we're all the same no matter what our special needs the aspiration to want to be able to work to be seen as somebody who is equal to somebody who needs to be treated differently is a strong aspiration for almost all of us for us it's really our research being it was to support people who have it out here to find employment they are such a teenager whose story won the B.B.C. Young Writers award has been talking about how it felt to accept the prize 17 year old Elizabeth Ryder is currently studying for A levels at the Cooper school in Booster she still found time to pen her 1000 word tale the roses about a relationship in decline Elizabeth describes her walk to the podium I forgot where I was going up I don't know if they lead me along they definitely sounded like they were worried I was going to collapse again like pointing at their name I was confused or something off or in the water and things. And look at our weather for today well in should vanish away it should be nice and bright and breezy though 16 so says the top temperature B.B.C. Radio Works and news is 3 minutes past. Somebody. Coming up in the next to hear from a gentleman I want to miss this he's lived through to weld walls to me. And has a telegram from the queen Queen Elizabeth yes I remember. She's she's always been a favorite in my Oh yes I've always been very. Unknown. She comes. As you can hear from him very shortly he 103. Radio also the very good morning. Coming up we're going to hear from a gentleman who's lived through 2 World War. 2 mucks almost right and also has a telegram from the queen of the delightful. 103 on the show very very shortly a Plus coming up this morning as well if you've ever had a coughing fit whilst making a speech at some advice as to how best to handle that kind of situation. But let me be clear. Our economy is back on track. And if my voice isn't on track. I hope you're notice that when the Chancellor giving something away free. I know she's one of the Johnson's call sweet. But was every politician's worst nightmare we live on our voice your voice your voice goes it's a set piece speech and there's a heckler on the SEC lapses. And . It was a prank he was a trick he was a something for cheek stunts and we got rid of him and then I thought we'd be back on track and then it kind of went downhill because of the voice of I'm losing my voice in sympathy I just really feel so sorry for. Her. Well I think she came across as very human in fairness perhaps not in the way that she had planned leaders have to battle through coughs and colds and the just the same way that we all do and I thought she did it very very bravely and strongly I mean to have a cough and cold and go to work is one thing but to do it with the eyes of the nation on you all those broadcasters T.V. Cameras that was something else. Excuse me. I should love her husband Philip Randolph set off city should finish to give her a hard R. And the prime minister even made light of her problems in a humorous tweet afterwards but how do you cope with an embarrassing incident at work is he really actually the best way to deal with it earlier I spoke to Councillor Susie Heyman about dealing with embarrassing moments that work and the reaction to to resume a speech and I had just been talking to an ex Labor M.P. Who as a woman said she actually warmed to May as the speech went on Now isn't that amazing So do you think that there would be a different headline had this happened to a man had this been part of Doris his speech if he'd have had a coughing fit Yes I think I think the pressure on always and it wonderful you know showing the human side is more on women than on men and I think the pressure at the converse Leon is the pressure to be perfect is more on women than on men do you think Susie that the reason may handled it in the best way because it was done with a little bit of humor or should she had perhaps reacted with a dignified silence no that would have been awful I mean this is something you have to laugh about because people are so to speak laughing at you you have to turn the joke around so that you're laughing at you not laughing along with them laughing at you you're making a joke of it and I think I'd love to joke about done you know that shows you how bad the chancellor's cough lozenge was it was a good one. Yes absolutely she said she said that's the 1st time that the chances given away something like this are very rare but you know after all these weeks and months of preparation for that you know that the spotlight in the Tory party conference not what she had would have wanted nobody wanted except that it's funny we'll remember the speech late at the moment all we're talking about is the coughing fit and then we'll start and talk about the fact that she did joke about it she tweeted about an extremely good tweet showing her speech surrounded by coffee lozenges and you know decongest. And things and stuff like that that's funny that's making as I said a joke about it rather than about herself that's being self-deprecating in a very British way but also a very admirable way and she's dealing with it now in the days to come will start forgetting about the coffee this was not thinking about the speech and the fact that she showed resilience and I think this is one of the things that we now is the absolute buzzword of what we need to teach our children is resilience the ability not to think that you should go through life with nothing wrong ever happening the ability to get up when something wrong happens and try again my favorite story I suddenly thought of them this morning which was the Earl of Oxford apparently in the course of the 1st Queen Elizabeth wants a balance on the in the at the Queen and broke wind and he was so humiliated mortified he fled not just the court but the country for 7 years when he finally came back he came back but if there was it is a court barred in front of the queen who determines that oh are my lord we quite forgot the fart. The message being they're always going to remember that the 1st time they see you afterwards and maybe the 2nd and 3rd time then they'll stop getting it and they'll start thinking about the good things you know the things that you want them to remember make sure that they see you not 7 years later but 7 minutes 7 day it is there 7 hours a was ever go back and keep going and that's what she did she got she kept going and that's the message of the anybody in what they feel to be a humiliating situation don't run away face it what about to any other embarrassing moments that you've heard about that have come to people at work I think well thinking about politicians of course is Tony Blair who got the whole mood wrong when he made a political speech the W.R.I. And they slow handclap him being slow handclap by the you know about W I I think it's about the pits isn't it funny body that that's got to make a speech got to address their colleagues and you know maybe some important that people today what's. Your advice to them if if they're making a very very important speech that they've been preparing for many weeks on and trying not to sound scripted I mean this is something that I was delighted to speak from headlines rather than reading a speech if you do read the speech try and we did enough times beforehand that you can deliver it as if you're saying it rather than reading it have a few jokes up your sleeve I mean I think I think the sort of the slightly self-deprecating jokes are a good idea perhaps today yeah go I'm very significantly very noticeably with a great big bottle of conflict us that should help councillor Susie Heyman with some wise and useful one. It's B.B.C. Radio Oxford coming up at so 1 o'clock this afternoon don't forget James what will be here and he has an 80 special Now get this for a line up he's going to be joined by a pin up and lead singer of. Morton Hark it was my heart for when I was growing up Morton Hawke It was all over my wall. Even though I had the rig jeans and the the death of bondage around my wrist just to look a little bit more I was a real I'd love to ha and Dr Robert from the Blair monkeys and the Christians as well the show was James Watt an 80 special from 1 o'clock this afternoon that is a missile. Which is right it's right now and a problem just out of the county on the M 4 how's that affecting coming in to the county Emma. Well it's affecting people heading towards the 830 forks at the junction with the A 34 at Junction 13 the westbound side has some pretty bad queues at the moment just awaiting more details as to what exactly is causing that builds up but it is looking at really slow in terms of traffic around Oxford share is looking quite quiet you'd have to laze heading into Abington. For one that's because. Right what's taking place on the street looking at the census seems like they have eased up now they were much slower but traffic is starting to return to normal thought problems on Great Western Railway normal service has now received timesaver travel from B.B.C. Radio on and it joins school your trouble. For 593 devil 16 double 6. Days a travel. Radio you seen the amazing pictures in big picture it's our online gallery filled with your incredible photos from the My. Oxygen in 60 seconds Hi my name's. Spock. Very fast. As it's harvest time though he looks. As well as. Any right. To. Email details of your events a radio works at events as B.B.C. Radio U.K. Alex went from me having a passion. Called. They were organizing at Christ Church. Doors open at 5 o'clock. They're an option. Different musical act really for the family night here all this weekend's featured at B.B.C. . Radio. Joining. Us to. C.B.C. Radio was. Still to come you're going to hear from the delightful John's members 103 he was born in 1914 he's lived through 2 world wars and 2 monarchs as well as a telegram from the Koreans Queen So what you will hear from John Smothers He's coming up very very shortly also don't forget after 12 May Day the one second song challenge as well but in the meantime it's been estimated that we use around 2 and a half 1000000000 disposable cups each year in the U.K. That is a staggering figure isn't it but how do you change people's behavior in our throwaway culture when it comes to plastic bags charges certainly done that reduce waste but are we really doing enough to tackle the use of another everyday item like takeaway coffee cups now the Marine Conservation Society says a survey shows almost 3 out of 4 of us would happily pay a deposit on single takeaway cups it asked people if they would support paying a deposit to encourage the use of refillable cups or cups being returned for recycling now Dr Chris tuck it is from the Marine Conservation Society and joins me right now Chris good morning to you good morning I'm just staggered actually by 2 and a half 1000000000 disposable cups each year in the U.K. Shocking yes it is shocking. That can end up obviously. A truck load of plastic can end up in the ocean every minute of the day some of that will be coffee cups all sorts of other things as well but with the amount coffee comes that we're using it's because the price doctoring is there and just just spend it out for essentially because you know a lot of people you know don't think about that is not so mad right now but just explain actually the effects all marine life when that kind of thing ends up in the ocean. Any sort of lead to the ends of the ocean marine life can get caught up in it. You know it models anything get caught up in in the plastics in whatever material it is whatever litter is but also it breaks down it breaks down into tiny little pieces and that can be ingested by the smallest organisms in the ocean and then it sort of goes up through the food chain and ultimately ends up. Well poisoning animal excess feeding of things but effects system of the whole in our oceans. So it's a big concern and it's increasing and of course went from that trust again. It doesn't degrade it doesn't go away it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces and remains a big problem I think you know in Oxfordshire I mean people should be made going about their daily daily but you know day day to business ina getting a cup of coffee from a No Vera coffee place of preference or whatever sort of you know the see the ocean is sort of this from our minds really because we could be further away in fact you know from the sea it's just not on people's radar but we need to have conversations we need to be aware because I'm sure people will then be very sympathetic to do something about it yeah and that would be great in thinking yes about the coffee cups but using the plastic bottles straws or all those items you want to just throw away yes it might be recycled energy involved into. The carbon argument to argument as well but just take everything that you use in the amount amount that you could reach if there can something you know with the coffee cups you take in your your own that's refillable and instead reduce all that waste just you know I mean this is sort of this is on my radar at the moment because funnily enough I was watching not quite coffee cups actually but I was watching happy feet over the weekend with my 4 year old daughter and karma the name of the penguin but the penguin that serve voiced by the late Robyn Williams That penguin gets caught up in one of those plastic things that rings that keeps longer comes together. Yes and I love the fact that actually you know even children's animations are dealing with with conservation issues but I just think that's a really good example of me must love that when you see something like I mean children's animation. Yes absolutely that's great and overstay we kids and children getting to understand this we do remember in Conservation Society we do beaches surveys on a regular basis and getting the kids there and even Here's the absent from younger generation about all of this they do get it they do understand it not supposed to see the future but we need to actually do it we need to change our behavior and we need to do that now on us and it's really good that she to get children to lead that change of behavior because often actually you know children come home from school you know they have seen something the teacher would have you know give them a lesson on you know something like this and they'll say to the parents right we need to change the way we do things so that she is very much his children that they are going to change this yes they are we provide quite a large cage materials as well so our website M.C.S. U.K. Dot org is a lot of education stuff there for schools and we're actively going out and doing that but yet this is quite clear of its messages and coming from kids to really helps do you think people will be in support of this particular campaign for disposable cups Wells' survey is a good indication that people are in favor of it but of course there's a difference between people saying yes they would do it and actually doing it. But you mentioned the start we've seen that with the plastic bags. And you know right we've noticed a lot less plastic bags on beaches so I think it can happen we need to keep the pressure up when the people to start making that change but what we. Need to look for government money. To bring this about well and good luck with it it's a great campaign thank you very much indeed for joining us Christy took it from at the Marine Conservation Society and I should like to know from you as you would you support the campaign my base would you be happy paying a deposit to encourage the use of it refillable cups or cups being written for recycling at Would you bring in your I'm cut just like you do actually when you go shopping you bring in the right plastic bags. 34593 double double Radio also on cats that forget one second song challenge coming up to 12 May Day but sites not often that many of us his stories from a man who is seen to Monex on the throne has lived through 2 world wars and has a telegram from the Queen I have the immense pleasure of meeting John Smiths who's a resident of Penn has gardens in chippy he's 103 years old he was born on the 15th of March 1914 just as well the war began. And. My father. Was in the war he was in strange Shish. My 1st memory I think. We're seeing something in the sky which all later reflections. I think must have been either example in. Person or she sharecropped I don't know but I. Wonder what it was it sticks in my mind you said your father was in the trenches Jaring World War One did he ever talk about it no very little there literally indeed. It was just. It he has enough and wanted to forget it. I looked back and told myself Well if I wasn't so preoccupied I would almost in moments no judging. By. The. Tell me about your mafia. Mother was she was. She was very forceful will certainly host woman in family bold in Clark above London and. What she did show lightly always fond of had says Hill born in the sound a pair of bellows a real copy them yes a real cult growing up in the 1920 S. John what does a little boy want to be when he's older. I couldn't tell you right now I did. I left the elementary school route. 50. My school could see more than than either myself or my parents could see us but. They wanted he wanted to get me on so. I was laid up with I think it was cheap imports time and the school leaks. But he saw to it that that would get to another school a central school so I went to television Park Central School and that's where really life began for me and. I soon found my place there and. You were at it as a boy. The Wilds now in 2017 is a very very different place you know from even from the way in in which we conduct our relationships when did you start courting as it was in those days all at school or a member of that era. And I was married to school proof one of 4 I think and we went up steps to Katie to the school. And when you when you got on that level. I did saw it the school looked down on on the clothes. I could see what she still is coming in and. I always had a quick Oh I suppose you know one are lawyers and it was great to have their way and that with. This. But that was my 1st experience of a young lady. And you know everything in proper. Time and so on and so forth mucking around in those days. What about the moment that you fell in love with a lady that you went on to marry oh really all that was much later or desperately want you to a relationship but. A couple other things she clearly. Don't see she. Playing the piano and that sort of thing you see so. That when Joan and eventually. Try to form a band. And when when did you marry Dolly. I'm 140 this year the whole. I had to wait til. 2 me to have parents and. Then they we were already married. So so you haven't met her parents before you got married to say did they know that you know that you got married. I think we managed to let them know but it was a very chaotic tell them John they were very very difficult game is the 2nd the 2nd world war but you remember. War being the clad Do you remember those famous speeches you remember Winston Churchill Oh are we haven't the piece of paper will be all right now don't you Chamberlain it will be all right now it wasn't all right. It was really cool to do you get. The wall into hate and the rest is history I am speaking to you from the cabinet. This morning the British ambassador. And it Germany. We. Know. Very well when to withdraw of their troops from. Going to war. I had. Such undertaking has been raised. And the consequent. How do you reflect on those warrior is being a young newly married man I was very fortunate I've already joined the Air Ministry and. I was kept in this reserve dopey patient you see and my dear wife was a nurse. She worked as a nurse but that portion of the she never a good teacher. The service which I think she'd rather we get educated. Of the free. Their. Birth parent divide by. Order by the Royal Red. John you've seen to Monex on the throne as well of course Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of course and the carnation you must remember that like it was well it's a long time ago now but you must have seen it oh yes Queen Queen Elizabeth yes I remember her. It's always been a favorite of mine Oh yes I've always been very fond of the royal family. And no of course when you. She comes into the picture can I go and pick those up because you've got 2 cards with the queen on the front of them can I can I have a look at them yes do do you I am so pleased to know that you are celebrating your 100th birthday on the 15th of March 24th teen I send my congratulations and best wishes to you on such a special occasion. Wonderful how does that mean to you John Oh yes that means a lot to me there's another card here and it says I'm so pleased to know that you are celebrating your diamond wedding anniversary on the 15th of June 2000 I send my congratulations and best wishes to you yes of course that were sent my wife was allowed to get treats or could think I missed my wife. Infect me. It was such a part of my later life she was a great wife and you know is there one special song that I can play. I figure well I know people on say well I hope that I said follow that. Did you all know why. Or. with them and how off I am. One of the human around Oxford share the roads are looking too bad but if you are trying to head into Oxford shift from the end for you might have some problems that has been an accident westbound just before the junction. Which is the junction that gives you access to the A $34.00 at the moment they're all 2 lanes closed because of the accidents on the senses the queues are looking quite bad it's also quite congested around the center of Abingdon there are roadworks being carried out on the high street Nates you west and Helen streets lies affecting traffic also the Eiffel C. Just outside of Oxford it does have the usual traffic around we will look at Radio Never mind me. Tomorrow I will have only 2 people running the Oxford hall dressed as pizzas. News facts which are with the police investigating allegations of child abuse against the former Prime Minister Edward Heath say he would have been questioned under caution about some of the claims if he was still alive will show police says its looks into allegations dating back to $956.00 Peter Saunders is from the National Association for People Abused in Childhood Ted Heath was prime minister if it turns out that any of these allegations were true that the police have not passed judgment much of what you see in the press has been generated by the press not by Welsh or police I have to say that has very serious implications for our national security they said Edward Heath Charitable Foundation says the report is profoundly and satisfactory because it doesn't justify or dispel the cloud of suspicion next to Conservative M.P. For Wantage Ed Vaizey says that he's concerned for tourism may after her mishap strewn speech to the Conservative Party conference yesterday her policies were overshadowed by her croaky voice letters falling off the party slogan sign and the intervention of a practical joker there has been rumors that Westminster that dozens of concert event pays have been discussing whether to resume a should be persuaded to step down Ed Vaizey is Conservative M.P. For Wantage and is concerned you can't plan for that pranksters an awful incident I think you are right it could be much much worse. For them. And she lost her voice it was just a sad agree. That's all we're talking about this morning when it should have been a keynote speech that could have repeated the Tory party. Young people in Oxfordshire with special needs are getting permanent jobs thanks to groundbreaking partnerships the Oxfordshire supported internships program matches people aged 16 to 24 with placements and supports them into the working world it says that succeeding to get them permanent jobs. 52 percent of the time which is a better result than the national average lead partner on the project Will Gardner says society is starting to change his view on those with learning disabilities all of us looking for a job can be a challenging experience if you're not well prepared you're going to struggle we evolve as a society and we do think about inclusion of seeing the person and not the disability I think the intensive scheme slides flag really strongly saying evidence saying that these things work these things are possible in international news STEPHEN PADDICK who shot dead 58 people at a Country Music Festival in Las Vegas on Sunday may have been planning an earlier attack the police force there says that he booked a room overlooking another outdoor music event in the city there is still no known motive for the massacre many has seen a 6 percent fall in the number of new cars of registered according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and traders the callee car builder registered $12282.00 in September nationally registrations were down 9 percent Experts blame consumer confidence and confusion over air quality plans diesel car sales were particularly badly hit they were down by over 5th let's take a look now at Oxford shoes weather and any other earlier rain should have gone by now it should then be dry bright but a bit breezy 16 Celsius the top temperature B.B.C. Radio News It's 3 minutes past well thank you fell. Down. On. The. Now next to the one second song challenge now for it's never played before why do you can start today that make it seem Monday and Friday after midday every single day because we play the one second song and so there we are now these are the rules they're very very simple charts like me I will play with 2nd of a song and from that 2nd I'd like you to correctly identify some title and artist that song title and artist from the 2nd. The song but what would coming up shortly once you think you've got 834-5931 that's 345931. That's the tough you can text as well 8133 Start your message with the word Oxford one second song challenge the way cats. Dog. It's. Called. As a name. But . It's. C What's love got to do it and everything actually can. Yes that's going on with any 2nd just want. 2 seconds no seconds not sorry. About the size of it is the one second song challenge and I'm going to give you a clue in just a couple of moments time so what what is the clue is just just a 2nd of a song from the 2nd I would like you to correctly identify the song title and the artist as well what you think you've got 803-4593 double 11 double one so you can call the context as well 13 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford search the song title the artist and that's what I require if you get it right fully right I mean not just one or the other but both right song title and artist you will get yourself into the correct box as well they already in waiting and currently empty right are you ready for your one second song John is clear here it is. 03 as hard as really really hard only 34593 double 11 double one perhaps you don't agree perhaps you think it's really easy will tell me what you think the answer is. Just a 2nd officer. That is the 2nd. But what is the song song title artist place. Right now. In this number 034593 double 11 double one text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford's a couple more times. Once more. That chill out. The I. Still don't know what I was waiting for a month. Running with. The streets of Britain the God of Mary did seem that is was not so sweet. So I try Marcel to make me. Never going to glimpse. How you guys Missy think. I'm much too best to take that test to check. On the snake and just. See one of these men something. To send to. The snake. It's going to have to feel different. She. Says. What's the big booms change the south but never new stream Much. For you once again. It's proving to be relatively difficult for 593 double 11 double one second of a song from a 2nd what's the song title and the artist 03459311 double whammy now wrong song wrong all right song should I say. Gerald Enright player thank you very much chalice nice to hear from you Gerald says he could remember the artist or the band's name because the right song that's fine that's fine well get out fine you been that great box you know time remember for wrong song right artist Bob Barron's failed thinks it's big don't cry but no that is not the correct answer both half right so what work on your answers and you will get your position in the correct box hopefully 34593. I thank you very much too rich in Abingdon I'm afraid you you go into the wrong category I'm afraid because what he what he under the moon of love no no it's not wrong in shall be as well things it's black night deep I'm afraid not have another list. That's it. But what's the song title. Every weekday morning. When we remember. Physics Well she is actually. Tomorrow morning. You know Stage 2 situations when. You know it's. Been Now I would like to know from you the correct song title and artist he's your clue but what is the song for tonight's one second song challenge actually it is proving to be quite hard although having said that the correct boxes got a 90 minute dummy from Paul Well who is just finishing his lunch break up we got a lovely lunch break Fanny I really didn't get back to work but you go back to work reinvigorated in the correct box that you were absolutely right for one second song challenge so that way that would improve your day I know it will Danny. That's the clue what the song over 345931 double whammy you can also text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford fat blokes how to go wrong song fat bloke. But the right to say the right is the wrong song Little that you'll get yourself into the correct box hopefully Gerald is having a darn good go at this job and right play generals been back on and says well it's still the wrong Gerald but you are getting closer so it was still the wrong artist but the right song but the wrong on. The. Central panels reckon it's Bus Stop The Hollies Well I'll tell you what I'll play that for you In just a couple of pics but if you've not played for today's one second song challenge here it is again. That this main isn't a halt really really tough 345932411 double. What is the song. Song title thank you very much to it which I applaud you actually for playing every day. Richard plays actually from the states he's a math teacher in the States thank you very much indeed. Who your for your email actually which says wild guess really have no idea but Richard thinks it's white room by cream now no it's not sadly actually sadly and he also says happy birthday dad Roger in Killington 81 years never a dull moment and thank you very much for the pictures as well as a Beefeater wonderful Happy Birthday Roger in Killington that's from your son Richard and thank you very much to David Lee David plays from afar from Perth in Western Australia every single to upload your participation as well loved to hear from you David and you are absolutely right as well so you will go into that correct box have another ponder on the clues. And call me once you think you know the song title and the artist over 345931. a travel. Can. Some challenge. Really quite tough I think it's fair to say this afternoon Bob in Barron's field though you got there you got yourself out of the half right category and you're now into the correct box so well done 034593 double 11 double one. That is your clue but what is the song. You can also text 8133 Start your my city with the word Oxford as if 345-9311 double one that's the 2nd of a song I think in fact what we might do is make it a little bit longer because you're struggling with this is proving to be quite hard quite tough the softer name but David. Will get David back in just a couple of moments time I think he's got his radio on if David can possibly put his radio off in the background then we can speak to David So let's try David once again hopefully David Long hambre has put his radio off. Just fall over. The chair. Just booked into the jail. What did you have in me now. I'll give you a better I was. So actually at your painting this afternoon. Why does it need painting. In the house a couple of years and I was very poorly a couple of years ago with all sorts of funny things I'm sorry to hear that and. Took a long time to recuperate we thought it was about time we started turning the house with a little bit you know the amount of people that I've spoken to that have been a painting that because they just feel like painting that their house is all that they do professionally is quite something actually this week not a lot of people painting I think it's the weather for it as well because it's not particularly pleasant I mean we had some sunshine it's been brought breezy today but but it's all good painting weather. Great I think yes it's some I think with the October come in and people are worried about Christmas you know so they will just have a nice. Penthouse that make you a nice Christmas very very nice Why not actually give it a fresh lick of paper every So you pay you planning what you going to do a Christmas that no not yet. Got timely in the eldest daughter in one region young records in the number with us and their laws so sometimes they come to us from God to them so we look quite sure what's happening is you know but it's nice actually that you know your family a suitable place not too far away actually because otherwise it can turn into such a joy into Christmas and in a year said you know I going to see you know you know part of the family driving miles and miles I'm going to see another truck here family you can't please anybody because they want you for Christmas Day you have the others want you for Christmas Day But you can't get them to Boxing Day and all that kind of man in our country that yeah yeah if you always spent Christmas in the U.K. If you haven't been abroad for Christmas No we never have no. Person we went. On and London 20 years ago. Just Christmas Day dinner but we never actually been away for Christmas No Do you have a bird normally don't mean do you go for the whole sort of tradition when I say traditional turkey is not necessarily traditional everybody's household but do you go for the large breasted But yes we go we have a big Get turkey but with how one goes one Christmas and we have there we. Should we use that duck Yes and that the children. Grandchildren better with. Before Paul and things so we always have a bit of beef or pork with wine or anything goes' what bit of what you fancy really isn't it by John I guess had goose once and I made a mistake I felt when I picked up the goose from the butcher I've called it to my mom. I don't know why I called it to my mom but you know it was sort of you know I was a duck but it was a goose and I couldn't eat it I could better cook it even though you know she was no I was never going to have to resuscitate the damn thing. I used to work at a farm. And I see a 5 pound uncertainly and we'd need to put it away every month every week so I and me finally got our dining room table and chairs with the farmer used to tell him that when out again if you want to Dr get one well I had I would look after him and I used to get all of the ducks unused and used to put me in put me into the wardroom. And kill it so he just went up to it and then also. Both. In the colony and even. David I was starting to really like you until that magnets you got to play music lovely speaking to David I think you go back to painting and by the way right artist wrong song about said David long breath got no gay songwriter ducks to the show the Sutton into right now here's another of your guesses for that particular one second of the song Get off my cloud the Rolling Stones from an anonymous person to give me a shout out if you do given your name but anyway. Little Rolling Stone to get off of my cloud and that was well an anonymous person factor he texted thought the 2nd song challenge clue was and thank you very much to Jeff a business friendly as taxi driver it was and I'm afraid it's not. Quite a cliff. It is. Great it's longer oh blimey I played again. That makes it easy and it's longer doesn't 803-4593 double one. You can text as well 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford actually we're getting we're getting somewhere only from Wantage your correct thought you would be Tony Gary the digger driver well done you're also in the correct box Jim in chatting to this well also correct 034593 double 11 double one that's the number to call. And tell me what the song is song title and artist is what I require you can also text 813 double for a start your message with the word Oxford half right wrong song writer artist Paul the painter in Stanton John actually that's a pretty apple I'm sure actually with the longer clue Paul the painter you will be able to get. The song name because you got the artist say half way that I think it's done really 34593 double 11 double one thank you very much as well to human Stephen dog Lulu from Leicester you're absolutely right and Steve always sends me a picture of Lulu. Now this doesn't translate that well on the radio but let me tell you that Lulu is chewing on something in the picture that Steve has sent me today looking just just a little bit less pretty shall we say and then she normally does you know normally you know she's posing you know looking like a model dog but today she's staring at the camera chewing something with our gnarly Mally face. 34593 double 11 double one that's your clue but what is the song. I hear the coming into. Changes he was absorbed by the same. Shot through. The bad news. Is read the book. The book I stopped in the. In the fall of suburban The BE. The best. Fast. And Africa. Up until this moment at the parties actually starting to drop. My lungs that then 4 seconds 4 seconds that goes against the grain in fact we had to make it longer because you're finding it very very challenging and very very tough and hard this afternoon. Title and artist plays on over 34593 double 11 double. And more of you actually getting it right this afternoon Denis from cut slack and also jet in Abingdon well done Jen who says. Thanks for extra half 2nd an extra half 2nd they mean extra 3 seconds. Is the clue is too long too long. 34593 double 11 double want to call me and tell me what you think the song is that rich and Sandy playing from Abingdon thank you very much for playing which insanities they think it's the running stones get off my cloud along with several others in fact but it is not that in fact we played that song a little earlier. You can text a 13 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford and Wendy no no you're wrong Wendy you're wrong it's not the Isley Brothers this own heart of mine I can at any that now. Song title an artist. It's the 4 2nd song challenge. the best. For last for want to clone over 1 o'clock. The OK you know you're going to be a reference to you and I have actually I'm young tight and I can barely speak yeah . Yeah that's what I always have this effect on. And I don't know nothing to do I mean you're very nice everyone I know you but. You see and I heard you banging on about the value of posters on the wall in the earlier on what you like get him in parties and shake your statements Yeah that mentions Rick is they devoted to shake is very nice but you know I'm not in the same league I'd say is more than that and I know that we're not any way ses on and that could mean coming to Britain on Valentine's Day actually. All together I think yeah yeah we got over the name the rest but you know there all the even old I mean Morton mattered in my eyes and they look about the same. I think they've grown all WHITE Well I want to be still wearing bondage Well you got the ripped jeans logo on the video I so well see look at that so he's on look at. That Morton Harkat and women of a certain age all over him we suggesting not said what the ages I've not said but the I'll show you the door. I know you know the certain age could be 28 a woman of a Certain Age loves a bit more than that and so he is and then we got the blow monkeys all who were doing their thing and I know you'd lost interest now and then we got the Christians . That going to sing live for us and I'd like to play monkeys yes I would love the place. But you don't have to die you don't. Want to he's in the 1st time about it like OK OK that's wonderful oh OK thank you thank you very much James what. In 60 seconds I'm really free and I want to tell you about. It's going to be held. On the day. Between 10 and 3 pm. How to make cake. Entertainment throughout. From those. Emails details of your event to radio works at events B.B.C. Radio U.K. My name is Alan and I play in the. 7th. To be called. Or roll this weekend speech about B.B.C. . Radio. Shack and some. This is this is really dividing In fact it's proving to be quite tough even with a longer clip. Yes I mind a one second song charge actually today has been so hard it's a 4 2nd song. And still everybody getting 834593 double 11 double one David though from Long Hammer you were half right before but you got there in the end and you have earned your place rightfully in the correct box Patty from Stanford Your absolutely right as well lovely to hear from you Patty from Stanford now wrong in the wrong incorrect box Smudger into Killington In fact you both think the same thing because you think it had to come about you think it is that but Marian thinks it's the Troggs with a girl like you and also and from Abingdon thinks it's blood all life by the day Clark 5 all the D.C. 5 know none of those I'm afraid and his mates in time he says Cat is the song Mick Jagger and get off my cloud no help today all my own work it's Mitzeee in time you mean the Rolling Stones of course and get off my cloud if I was a teacher I put a read by right through your gas I'm afraid Mitzi it's not it's not have another go 34593 double 11 double one text 813 double 3 Start your message with the word Oxford. In fact I many of you putting forward completely ridiculous answers like Steve Rudd but he says the word deep hole. I can reliably inform you that that is not the correct answer Steve rabbit. Martin from tame you're now in the correct box as well well done. School. challenge which was extended today to 4 seconds well done to Tom and Atmos Sadie's bands I can always rely on you boys I know you are absolutely right in the correct box 34593 double 11 double one that's the number on which to call to get you guess in right now time is running out that's. Your clue what is the song 034593 double 11 double one you could also text 13 double 3 Start your message with the word Wendy and I just kept a hello good afternoon good often in carrying Well all the better for hearing from you actually when he was here what he was up to the soft knew when to spend it on well I just got mine daughter back at work and she wakes up at the 1st. Sight. I'm not doing nicely I'm glad that you explain that you did just such stuff taken towards prison. So I must ask very good so she's able to live wonderful. Right now Wendy let me do this. So what do you think the answer is today's one second song challenge which is quite hard is being very very tough and I think it's a Libyan You can go on and some and I. You think it's a live you knew John and somebody nights OK. I know I yeah you see I get I get what you where you coming from but no Wendy it's not so I want to tell you want to tell you what you got you going to know you're going to nap OK right so how many how many seasons there's a has half the answer there but how many seasons the 4 Seasons and I don't know if you are not if you don't run you what. And if if you got if you're not a woman what are you. So. The 4th season. Well. Look like oh you like a man yes wonderful what you do you have a lovely day the right answer will play back the 2nd. Radio. Telling save Radio Works for tonight and John thank you very much I am a thank you as well to everybody who's played the one second song challenge. And we go there in the end in fact so well done to everybody of course that got it right it is indeed the 4 Seasons and what like a mile long walk like a girl badger on Bob the plaster on me whatever next one second song Sally's back tomorrow I see from tat. a small town hall kid movie with amongst his faithful and half an hour so I'm. Going to go not going to love it. Tommy alive 1st listen I'm writing songs now mostly you will find that you say. You want to today could be the day you don't want to miss so much. Joy night as you know stories. Seize B.B.C. Radio Works.