Kannada Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar's final rites will be held at the Kanteerava Studios tomorrow. On Saturday, dignitaries including CM Bommai, Prabhu Deva and Governor Gehlot paid their respects to the Sandalwood star. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack. Puneeth, who was
Kannada Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar's final rites will be held at the Kanteerava Studios tomorrow. On Saturday, dignitaries including CM Bommai, Prabhu Deva and Governor Gehlot paid their respects to the Sandalwood star. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack. Puneeth, who was
Kannada Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar's final rites will be held at the Kanteerava Studios tomorrow. On Saturday, dignitaries including CM Bommai, Prabhu Deva and Governor Gehlot paid their respects to the Sandalwood star. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack. Puneeth, who was
Well-known Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar breathed his last on Friday at the age of 46. He was earlier admitted to a private hospital after he complained of chest pain. The son of matinee idol the late Rajkumar, and Parvathamma, he was fondly called 'Appu' by his fans. Puneeth began his career as a child artist and won National Film Award for Best Child Artist for his role of