Puneeth Rajkumar was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studio in Bengaluru with full state honours on Sunday morning. Dignitaries including the Kannada film fraternity, CM Bommai and D K Shivakumar were present for the actor's farewell. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack.
Puneeth Rajkumar was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studio in Bengaluru with full state honours on Sunday morning. Dignitaries including the Kannada film fraternity, CM Bommai and D K Shivakumar were present for the actor's farewell. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack.
Puneeth Rajkumar was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studio in Bengaluru with full state honours on Sunday morning. Dignitaries including the Kannada film fraternity, CM Bommai and D K Shivakumar were present for the actor's farewell. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack.
Puneeth Rajkumar was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studio in Bengaluru with full state honours on Sunday morning. Dignitaries including the Kannada film fraternity, CM Bommai and D K Shivakumar were present for the actor's farewell. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack.
Puneeth Rajkumar was laid to rest at the Kanteerava Studio in Bengaluru with full state honours on Sunday morning. Dignitaries including the Kannada film fraternity, CM Bommai and D K Shivakumar were present for the actor's farewell. The 46-year-old actor, known for films such as “Appu”, "Veera Kannadiga" and “Maurya", died in a hospital following a massive heart attack.