On Friday night, Umar s brother and Bigg Boss 13 finalist Asim Riaz took Twitter and wrote, Well played @realumarriaz .Love you bro. Bigg Boss 15: Is Umar Riaz Evicted From the Reality Show Ahead of Finale? Brother Asim Riaz s Cryptic Tweet Hints So.
Umar Riaz evicted from ‘Bigg Boss 15’, angry fans slam makers on Twitter - As soon as news of Umar Riaz s eviction became public, fans and Twitter users began criticising the show for making an arbitrary choice.
Umar Riaz has been ousted from Bigg Boss 15 in one of the most unexpected developments. Fans are enraged and heartbroken as a result of this. This season, he has been the most popular contestant, topping practically every poll and vote. When his eviction was announced, everyone was taken aback. As soon as his elimination was announced in the episode, fans took to Twitter and