WHEN you can feel the buzz in the Foyer, you just know that this is going to be a special night on the Mall. All the Facebook comments during the week read like…
it was chaos at the court. as the decision of the year was rushed to tv cameras and to the nation. the affordable health care act upheld 5-4. chief justice john roberts breaking with fellow conservatives, joining liberal justices to delay tclare the so-called individual mandate constitutional. he ruled the penalty in the law for not buying insurance amounts to a tax. because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, roberts wrote. what is with this court today? reporter: conservatives were enraged. this is clearly a turning point today in american history. reporter: and it s a huge political win for president obama, but he ticked off the beavan fits to citizens. guaranteed coverage, even with preexisting conditions, no more dollar caps on coverage. and he praised the justices. they have rae affirmed a fundamental principle, that here in america, in the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family s financia