it was chaos at the court. as the decision of the year was rushed to tv cameras and to the nation. the affordable health care act upheld 5-4. chief justice john roberts breaking with fellow conservatives, joining liberal justices to delay tclare the so-called individual mandate constitutional. he ruled the penalty in the law for not buying insurance amounts to a tax. because the constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, roberts wrote. >> what is with this court today? >> reporter: conservatives were enraged. >> this is clearly a turning point today in american history. >> reporter: and it's a huge political win for president obama, but he ticked off the beavan fits to citizens. guaranteed coverage, even with preexisting conditions, no more dollar caps on coverage. and he praised the justices. >> they have rae affirmed a fundamental principle, that here in america, in the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin. >> reporter: democrats in congress are ecstatic. >> we now know that health care is legal, constitutional, undeniable, and irreversible. >> reporter: irreversible in mitt romney vowed he would see it repeal. >> this is a time of choice for the american people. our mission is clear. if we want to get rid of obama care, we'll have to replace president obama. >> reporter: republicans in congress won't wait. >> i've scheduled a vote for total repeal of the obama care bill to ocare on wednesday, july 11th. >> reporter: president obama says today's ruling ought to mean moving forward to implement his health care law. but reps say the ruling here merely marks a fresh start in their fight for repeal. live at the supreme court, i'm steve handlesman reporting. now back to you. >> steve, before you go, i suppose as a legal issue this is done, but as far as policy, we have a long way to go, correct? >> reporter: well, sure. the law doesn't even take effect, jim, mostly until 2014. that's when the individual mandate kicks in. that's when every american with a few exceptions for the very poor, has to buy coverage. they can get help if they can't afford it, they'll have to pay a penalty that justice roberts says legally is the same as a tax if they don't. that's 2014. as the president cited today at the white house, without gloating about it, there are benefits right now. kids on their parents' policy, can't deny people coverage for previous conditions. so there's now and there's then, and there's they the week after next when republicans say they'll vote for repeal it, sure to die in the senate, but it gives them more talking points in their race for reelection, to try to get more republicans into the senate and try to get mitt romney in the white house. he of course would not veto, as president obama surely would, any move by congress to repeal what they call obamacare. >> steve handlesman, thanks. huge crowds gathered outside the supreme court, many camping overnight to hear today's historic ruling. many carried posters, some wore costumes, even medical gear to get their points across. and when the official decision came down this morning, both sides made their reactions known. >> we've worked for this for a long time. health care is not a privilege. it's really a right. >> we can't let nine people do our jobs for us. we have to unite and fight this. >> it doesn't matter whether they have health care or don't have health care, the struggle is still the same in this economy. >> there were a lot of strong opinions, but the demonstrations remained peaceful. some who oppose the ruling say they will make their voices heard in the november election. while supporters and critics gathered, the partisan divide is also playing out at the top levels of our local government. republican gompor in virginia bob mcdonald told msnbc's andrea mitchell how he expects this to impact the election. >> the majority of people oppose it, like i do. i think president obama spent so much time and energy the last couple years on this, when he should have been focusing on debt reduction and job creation. and now we're stuck with this unbelievable mandate on the people and the states, and i think we need a new president. >> on the flip side martin o'malley, a democrat, and lieutenant governor anthony brown praised a statement that reads in part, quote -- the u.s. supreme court chose to protect the lives of millions of marylanders and millions of americans. today's decision gives considerable momentum to our health care reform efforts here in maryland. we must move forward, not back. that health care ruling today triggered a big drop on wall street for insurance company stocks, but talks on solving europe's debt crisis started today. that helps to erase most of the losses on the dow. the average was off 24 points. it closed at 12,602. the nasdaq dropped 25 points, the s&p lost two points. we will continue to cover the health care decision on coming up in the next half hour, we'll hear reaction from local residents and businesses who will feel the impact of the ruling today. also we're following a story out of capitol hill today, the house of representatives voted late this afternoon to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress. it's the first time in nation's history that a sitting member of any cabinet has been held in contemp. holder is refusing to supply in documents that congress subpoenaed related to the" fast and furious" gun-running operation that ended in the deaths of dozens of people, including an american border patrol agent. dozens of democrats said the vote was political. they walked out rather than cast a vote. 17 other democrats supported the resolution. two reps voted against it. the contempt citation now goes to the u.s. attorney to convene a grand jury to determine whether or not to indict holder. another senseless shooting in the middle of the day. it happened in the same southeast d.c. neighborhood, where two kids and a camp counselor were shot on monday. the incident today happened in the 2200 block of savannah street right across the street from a daycare center. pat collins is on the scene with more on how the neighborhood is reacting. pat? >> reporter: more gunfire on savannah street in broad daylight. shots fired over there. not too far from this daycare center. people say it's scary living here. today's shooting in the parking lot of this apartment complex in the 2200 block of savannah street. right across from the kids are people 2 child development center. bernadette runs that center. they watch 80 kids here. she says there's so much gunfire she's afraid to let the kids out to play. you have a playground here, but ebbet let them out. >> it's a gated playground. >> you are scared -- >> i am so terrified for the children. >> reporter: the line of shell casings tells the story, fires as he went, shot after shot after shot. i counted 12. this woman asked not to be identified. >> i heard something that is pretty normal to me. >> reporter: gunshot? >> yeah. >> reporter: a lot of them? >> a few. quite a few. probably more than four or five. >> reporter: the victims today, two men. one in his 20s, another in his 50s. police say they were grazed by the gunfire. the shooting today happened just three blocks away from that splash park, where two young boys and a camp counselor with shot and wounded monday as they were on their way to lunch. police believe those victims were unintended targets in a driveby. but two daylight shootings on the same street in four days have residents here most upset. >> it's dangerous, okay? we're living here, we're old, we're disability action and we're stuck. it's not fun. >> reporter: police all over this neighborhood, looking for clues, looking for evidence. >> we hope to get some information from the community as time goes on. i'm sure the community out here is sick and tired of the shooting going on, and hopefully if somebody knows something, they will share it with us. >> reporter: is the shooter monday the same as the shooter today? police are investigating. live in southeast, pat collins, news4. in colorado, a small measure of progress today in battling that massive wildfire that is burning near the state's second largest city. as the smoke is clears, the extent of statistic damage is becoming more apparent. gina kim is live in colorado springs where hundreds of homes have burned to the ground. what's the latest. ? 6. >> reporter: as you see there's a press difference going on behind my 346 homes destroyed. just devastating news. to my right a bit more homeful news. the humidity and lower temperatures that we've had today allowed firefighters to gain more progress than they've had all week. after waiting in agotten for much of the week hundreds of evacuated families learned today they no longer have homes. even as they delivered the devastating news, fire officials also said today brings the most promising conditions for getting ahead of the fire. >> today we are going to be incredibly aggressive on this fire. we have the first break in the weather that we've had since we've been here. >> reporter: fire crews now numbering near 1500. >> ready to go. >> reporter: switched from defense to offense for the first time in four days. >> as far as what's happening in the forested areas we can't get to, it will be difficult. it will take time. there's going to be smoke and fire for quite some time. >> reporter: for evacuees like stephanie kauffman, this has been both an emotional and physical roller coaster. >> we evacuated a couple days ago due to the smoke, came back and we had to mandatory evac again, came to monument, and now monument is on preevac wails. >> reporter: this is just one of nine major wildfires burning throughout colorado. there are a accident other fighters burning in western states. this fire has put a damper on the fourth of july festivities for next week. 30 cities throughout the state of colorado have already canceled their independence day ehaven't. back to, you wendy. >> jinah kim, thank you. it's been hot in the west and awfully hot around here as well, to independent point of being dangerous. a heat advisory has already been issued for tomorrow. precautions are already in plate at the at&t national golf tournament. the vendors have decided to drop the price of water from $3 to $2, and there are misting stations there where people can cool off. doug kammerer is in alexandria. it's hot there, too. he has the latest. >> the good thing about today is the humidity is not that high. that's still the current number. 94 to 95. the humidity is not a factor today. that really is a world of difference. you can get some relief. over the next couple days, you will not be able to get that relief. we're at 94 degrees, but that humidity only at 24%, so the heat index is the same as the actual temperature. that is some really nice news as we make or way through the rest of the evening. yes, it is on the warm side. 91 in culpepper. 94 in charlottesville. we are going to see more heat tomorrow and more humidity. that's why we have that heat index in effect for most of the area for the potential of the heat index, we saw it last week, we're going to see it again the next couple days. how long it sticks around, plus more from our backyard in just a minute. coming up, virginia is dealing with its own wildfires. flames scorched nearly 200 acres. we have a crew on the ground as that fire fight continues from the skies. the violence continues to escalate in syria, and tensions are growing on the border. this is not as i expected, to ever leave this couch after 15 years. >> ann curry makes an emotional departure from the "today" show. more violence in syria, with reports of dozens of people killed, and at the same time, the diplomatic crisis with turkey continues to escalate. nbc's where were sir jane state television is reporting that two explosions rocked damascus on thursday morning. there were about three people injured according to syrian state media. activists say more than 80 people have been killed against the assad regime that have been put down by the syrian military. tensions continue to rise after turkey deployed anti-aircraft missiles and weapons along its border. this comes down after a turkish fighter jet. as the conflict in syria drags on, international efforts to solve the crisis is shifting gears. this saturday in geneva, kofi annan has invited the five permanent members of the security council as well as other arab countries to end the felix in syria. nbc news, cairo. the d.c. police are investigating whether somebody stole money from the campaign bank account of did, c. council member michael brown. news4 has learned the account treasurer, a man nailed hakim sutton, is at the center of the investigation. sources tell news4 that the money taken is substantial. a statement released by the campaign reads in part -- as the one who discovered the alleged theft, i have decided to personally take over as treasurer of my reelection campaign. to demonstrate my commitment to operate the campaign bookses transparently andeically. the heat wave has arrived. doug is in alexandria this afternoon. >> reporter: it is thursday. that means we are in somebody's backyard here in alexandria in fairfax county. everybody here excited about the heat over the next couple days? no, probably not. but they are excited about why i'm wearing a pink hat? let's talk to a 15-year breast cancer survivor. this is bruni. you are obviously a breast cancer survivor. you had us come out why? >> why? because i like you guys, i watch you every time, all the kids swim in pie pool. it's like a public pool for them. i wanted to see you. i love you, dawg. and the brought your family from puerto rico. >> i have my friends, rosalie, my friend from kindergarten in puerto rico, my neighbor's kids, friends, my nephews from puerto rico, and my partner lucy, of course. >> reporter: of course. it is 95 degrees out here. puerto, san wand -- [ speaking foreign language ] only 85 degrees, it does not get this hot in puerto rico even though it's in the tropics. you know the heat is moving in right now. the high temperature today got to 96 degrees out there across the area. right now sitting at 94 out at the airport. currents temperature in gaithersburg at 91. right here we're coming in down around 91 degrees as well. back to the west, though, sitting at 96. that's where some of the heat is. we're going to continue to see clear skies throughout the rest of the night. this evening, a really nice evening, especially once the sun starts to go down. we just don't have the humidity just yet. only around 25%, that's not bad at all. look back to the west. kansas city, 104, little rock, 106 in dallas, at 100 degrees yet again today. that heat is going to be moving our way over the next couple days. that's why we had that heat advisory in effect. your future weather forecast showing that warm temperatures are here today, but the hot weather moves in tomorrow. there will be a chance of a scattered showers, maybe a strong thunderstorm. any storms that do develop could have the potential for severe weather. i'm not too worried about many of those happens. that will be mostly back to the west. saturday will be another very hot day, and again very humid. this evening, clear skies, warm with a light breeze, temperatures for about 83 to 87, with the winds out of the west. clear skies tomorrow morning, warm and humid, sunrise at 5:46, temperatures 64 to about 75 degrees, and as we look toward the day tomorrow, here's where the heat moves in. partly sunny skies, very hot and very humid. the heat index near 105, temperatures 96 to 101. we could be close to a record tomorrow. i do expect to break a couple records, especially out towards dulles where the records are in the 90s. 99 on sunday, again, feeling like 105 each day. that cluns monday. 96 degrees, but still very warm. very humid with a chance for thunderstorm activity. right now the fourth of july is looking dry with a high around 92 degrees. it's going to stay on the warm side here, but at least we're not talking about the upper 90s that we'll have this weekend. as far as the backyard weather goes, we want to come to your backyard. just send us pictures to just turn around real quick. jim vance, a look at this, buddy. she's got her harley somewhere around here. >> my kind of woman. >> reporter: she told me i could take it for a ride any time i want. >> not on my bike. >> reporter: that's what i told her, i said you would never let me on your bike. she'll let me on hers. >> thanks, doug. coming up, gas prices have finally dipped below $3. we're going to go find them. >> reporter: a wildfire covers hundreds of acreses in the george washington national forest near skyline drive. this is chris gordon. people are concerned about the possibility of evacuating their homes, families, and farm animals. i'll have a report hailed. coming up in sports, the nats bats duke it out, the euro soccer finals are set. here at congressional, first round of the at&t national, where firefighters are working hard. it's burning mere massanutten mountain the. >> reporter: it's burning near frontroyal virginia. some hiking trails on massanutten mountain have been closed. they're putting in fire lines. the helicopters makes run after run at the fire, spreading water, then refilling about every five minutes. . the helicopter dips the bucket below unto the shenandoah river. it only holds about 90 gallons. the helicopters is buggy all day, making about 45 rinse. is that enough water or do you need help? >> well, we need all the water we can get. we need mother nature to help. >> reporter: people who live near massanutten mountain saying they need to be prepared to evacuate. so you would rate your concern on a scale of 1 to 10? >> this is our retirement home, everything we've got is in it. 10 srcht high enough. >> as we shut the doors to head down to glade springs, i thought are we coming back to a house, or will it be gone? >> reporter: this farm has 35 goats near the base of the mountain. >> they're supposed to notify us if we have to evacuate. >> reporter: what will you do with the goats? load them up in trailers. >> a lot of people have horses, a lot of farms, and the fire is not spreading. we got calls at news4 today, that they smelled smoke as far away's louding county. this is chris gordon, news4. we've got some lighter winds out west. that's helping firefighters deal with that massive blaze burning near colorado springs since the weekend, but the extent of the damage from that raging wildfire is becoming even more apparent now. officials say hundreds of houses have been burned to the ground more than 30,000 people have been forced to evacuate. the decision is in, but the debate is far from over. today the supreme court upheld the reform law. thises a huge political victory, and a rallying cry for his opponents. they are vowing to repeal this law and replace the president in november. two men shot in southeast washington this afternoon, just a few blocks away from -- was shot on monday. the men were grazed by bullets. the ones who were shot today, that is, were grazed by bullets. it happened in the 2200 block of savannah street. all the victims are expected to be okay. the suspects have not been caught. police have not said whether they believe those two incidents are related. >> two spring georges county police officers are facing serious charges tonight. officers christopher perry and mike all rowe are accused of kidnapping and assaulting three teenagers. these charges stem from a memorial day party in a charles county neighborhood. the teens say they were handcuffed, threatened and driven around in a car before they were finally released. >> prince georges county police department is committed to ethical and professional policing both on duty and off duty. we have very high expectations of our officers' conduct while they're wearing a uniform and when they're not wearing a uniform. >> the officers could face prison time if convicted. they are currently suspended with pay. a woman in virginia says a priest molested her for two years during what was supposed to be an exorcism. she is sues the archdiocese and others. the allegations date back to the year 2008. they sent hcenter on the reveren auer. he was president of an outfit based in frontroyal. she says he also kissed her passionately claiming he was blowing the holy spirit into her. the diocese said he had never been one of its priests. officials say they learned of the allegations back in 2010, and they reported him to the diocese of palm beach. that's to where he had moved. police in aspirin georges county are looking into an accident that killed a woman this morning. it happened about 5:30 on route 1 between river dale royal and olive street. the driver involved did remain on the scene. police have not released the name of the woman who was killed. the supreme court's decision to uphold president obama's health care law has been the talk of the day. some americans opposed some aspects of that law. others are all for it. derrick ward takes a look at our local reaction. >> reporter: maureen murphy is self-employed and has a medical condition that caused her to have a series of mini strokes. it had been misdiagnosed. >> he told me you didn't have a stroke, no need to waste money on x-rays. >> reporter: even the misdiagnosis was enough to prompt her to seek coverage again and later a more accurate diagnosis sealed it. >> you need to get health insurance and need to get that fixed, you need to take care of the stroke and here's your kane and good luck. >> reporter: insurers informed her she would pay an extra 20% to 25% because of the preexisting condition. today's decision is means her future looks brighter. >> this is a rough one, but you take a breath. >> but on the other side of the issue, the roughest days are yet to come. >> how much will it cost for me to insure myself, my family and my employees? karen hearne is director of the national federation of independent business. she says small businesses have no reason to be relieved, not with provision of this law over their heads like the sword of damoclese. >> also there's a health insurance tax only feld by the small business. meanwhile, the attorney general finds some comfort in the high court's characterization of the mandate as attac tax. they all wanted to be avoid being accused of wanting to raise taxes. court said today that's exactly what they did. even while they lied to us about what they were doing. >> reporter: gop leaders in the house say they will mount an effort to overturn this law as early as july 11th. however this is word there's enough support in the senate to keep it in place. on capitol hill, derrick ward, news4. our team coverage continues on nbc news with brian williams. he'll have more on the ruling, and its implications in this election year. that is on "nightly news" coming up at 7:00. still ahead, ann curry says good-bye to the "today" show. and doug in alexandria, how are we looking, boss? >> reporter: bleaking pretty good. it's me with a bunch of ladies. i don't mind that at all. it will be hot tomorrow, you know that. we'll talk more about those temperatures. right now a look at the highs around the mid-atlantic, back to the west in ohio, columbus hit a high of 100 today. we'll talk more about it in a minute. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ male announcer ] it started like this... i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] but it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs. a rate twice the national average. and fell to forty-seventh in job creation. fourth from the bottom. instead of hiring workers from his own state, romney outsourced call center jobs to india. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself... while raising them on the middle class... and left the state two point six billion deeper in debt. so now, when mitt romney talks about what he'd do as president... i know what it takes to create jobs. [ male announcer ] remember, we've heard it all before. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] romney economics. it didn't work then, and it won't work now. after 15 years with the "today show and one year at its co-host, ann curry is moving on to tackle other projects. she announced her departure this morning. i will start be part of the family, but i'm going to have a new title and a new role. this is not as i expected to ever leave this couch after 15 years, but i am so grateful. >> you have the biggest heart in the business. >> yeah, you see i'm wearing it on my sleeve this morning. >> you put it on display every single day in this studio, have for almost 20 years on this show? the way you care about people comes through in ever single story you report. curry's new role at nbc is the national and international correspondent. she joined "today" as news anchor in 1997, promoted to co-host last june when meredith viera left. no word on who will be replacing her on the "today" show. sports is coming up. amber theory harris is coming up. >> they're in a slugfest right now out in the mountain high air. also big names advance at wimbledon. tiger will have to improve his game if he's going to [ female announcer ] the son of a single mom. proud father of two daughters. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. doing a little salsa dancing for our backyard weather. here's the funny thing. we just got done eating. you have a few of the kids left, but a lot of people sitting down, chilling out right now. that's because we just had big plates of rice and incumbency, and everybody just literally stopped. everything came down a bit. i think a bit of a food coma here, but it is a good one, because that was some good stuff. let's show you what's happening out there. temperatures in the 100-degree level over the next couple days. today we did hit a high of 96. current temperature at 94. with a heat index of 94. once against humidity not a factor tonight. only 24% right now. down the root right along route 1, a temperatures down there still into the low 90s. that's what we'll be seeing as we move in across the area, as we see our temperatures the next couple days, they will be going way up. tonight overnight lows will not be that bad. you're talking about mid 60s out toward the west, where we were in the low 50s just the other day to about 75 inside the city tonight. it will be a very warm night tonight. tomorrow we're talking about temperatures that will get close to 100 degrees. i think we are going to come close to a couple records. i think the easiest will be out at dulles, i think we'll easily get into the upper 90s there tomorrow. we're going to continue to see that in effect through the day tomorrow. what about the beaches? it's going to be a great day down at the beaches toward the day tomorrow. a high around 92. saturday still warm with a high of 96. on sunday that is the best chance of seeing some rain down there. just to let you know, the beaches right now, we'll look back. amber theoharis is out in bethesda where they're playing a bit of golf. how is that leaderboard looking? >> it's looking good, but tiger is not atop of it. it's the first round, and oh how one year can change things. this time last year, we were hearing how easy this course was. today it's the complete opposite. this course has played very hard. let's start off going into the action with the at&t national trophy. it's up for grabs. it's a nice-looking piece of hardware. we began on the par 5 6. this is bo van pelt chipping from about ten yards, left from the hole. this one is good for the birdie. be bo van pelt. >> tiger woods on the par 5 9th, his approach shot from about 160 yards out. this was a pretty shot. it lands just four feet from the hole. tiger would birdie, currently tied for 30th at one over. tough course. vijay singh on the 9th, his approach shot from 118 out, the shot takes a bounce, stops on the fringe, an rolls back about 15 feet from the hole. he would make the shot for par. he's tied for second at 3 under. to the par 3 10 now, billy hurl hurley, naval academy grad, shot from 222 over the water on to the green, lands three feet from the hole. he would clean it up for the birdie. then on the 14th hole, tiger woods putting for birdie, from about 14 feet away. it is good. woods shot a 1 over 72. >> i was talking to nick and chad today. you know, they were saying that, you know, at least during the open you can get the ball to land on the green from the rough. that graduated rough. there's no graduated rough here this week. if it's not in the fairway, then it's in the deep stuff. so it's a different setup. it's hard and fast, and, you know, we have to be careful a lot of times, and when you have an opportunity to be aggressive, you've got to do it. >> reporter: all right. round 2 kicks off at 7:50 tomorrow morning. daytime baseball in colorado today, the nationals taking on the rockies. pitch us was not a premium in this one. a tough day for edwin jackson who started for the nationals. bottom of the first, nats down 2-0, two on for tyler colvin. he jacks it high and far. that one is in the stands. the nats down 5-0. right now colvin is a double away for hitting for the cycle. top of the third. the comeback begins for the nationals. it's ryan zimmerman at the plate. staying hot, bases loaded. he grounds it back up the middle. it's through and into the center field. nats are down 7-2. moving on to the fifth. nats down -- just like that. it is a tied game. he homered into the right field stance. dead monday's 13th homer of the year. after a bryce harper home run, we are tied in the tenth. the. the nba draft kicking off in about 15 minutes up in new jersey. we're hearing the wizards will most likely hold on to the number three pick. we do know anthony davis most likely to go number one, but florida shooting guard bradley beal could fall to number three for the wizards. that's depending on if the bobcats trade that number two pick. other names linked to the wizards alaska -- are dern there was a round 2 shocker. rafael nadal made his earliest grand slam exit since 2005. he loses in five sets. let's look at some of the action. first start off with the women. marreesa sharapova facing povenkiva. the two trading groundstrokes. sharapova using the sidelines, but her shot too long. third set, sharapova turns up the heat, serving in the far court. it's returned, but sharapova with a perfectly angled shot, to advance to the third round. serena williams also in action. fading melinda zink. shot was run, then the angled shot. she wins in an hour. 6-1. 6-4. let's go to the men. in action today, andy roddick, going up against bjorn powell, midway through a rally, roddick in the far court playing great defense here, comes up to the net and makes a diving stab. pau can't return. laying out for the shot. he wins two sets to one to advance to the third round. american mardy fish also in action today facing james ward. in the second set, fish up 3-1 in the near court trading groundstrokes. the backhand winner, he advances three sets to two in a four-hour marathon. let's go to soccer. italian fans excited for this one against the germans. so was 21-year-old striker mario belateli. he skies above the defender to head in in. it's an early 1-0 lead. the long ball ahead, no call for offsides, and he blasts the shot from the top of the back into the net. another celebration, as italy beats germany 2-1 to advance to sunday's euro cup final where they tain on defending champion spain. out here at congressional it's van pelt in the lead. tiger has to do better. he's in third. still ahead, snowfall in the summer that would be a well, here's a number we like to see. it's going in the right direction. a gallon of regular is now just be low $3, well below the national average, which is 3.37, down ten cents from last week. final check, doug? >> all right, guys. i'm about as piven as it gets right here. thank you for having under the circumstances over. >> you're welcome. >> knead to go off into the sunset. a look at the temperatures the next couple days, the pool is the place you need to be, as we look toward the temperatures. how about 99 tomorrow, 100 on your saturday, 99 against on sunday, that heat index approaches 105 each day. heads up. a great place to be? inside the pool for the next couple days. we'll see a high monday of about 96 degrees. then on tuesday, back down to about 92. right on through early next week, but right now it looks like fourth of july is going to be a-okay, at least dry. but should be fine for all the fireworks. i was going to do the diving board, but i didn't think that would work too well. actually i need to come back for 11:00. >> yeah, you do. >> he looks good in the chair. we know fully well it's summer in washington, but summer has been slow to arrive in finland. let us show you. it is cold out there. in the laplands area, in northern finland, today it snowed. it is a gray and cold landscape over there. if it is only that light in late june, just imagine how dark it gets in december. according to locals, this month has been unusually cold and rainy, but they say it's going to be up in the 80s by next week. next [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ so, where to next? she's using more. he's using more. america's appetite for energy is growing. nuclear energy is part of the answer to meet this demand. nuclear energy facilities in 31 states already provide reliable and affordable electricity for one in 5 homes and businesses, and nuclear energy is america's largest source of clean air electricity. so nuclear energy can provide made-in-america electricity while protecting the environment.