G20 Summit: India s presidency in the G20 is seen as an opportunity for the country to strengthen trade ties and attract investments from member nations, particularly in sectors like infrastructure. Experts believe that the G20 plays a strategic role in global economic growth and prosperity, as its members represent a significant portion of global GDP, trade, and population.
India s presidency in the G20 is seen as an opportunity for the country to strengthen trade ties and attract investments from member nations, particularly in sectors like infrastructure. Experts believe that the G20 plays a strategic role in global economic growth and prosperity, as its members represent a significant portion of global GDP, trade, and population.
India News: The G20 Presidency with India is helping New Delhi to strengthen trade ties with member nations and provides an opportunity to attract investments fro
Presiding over this multilateral forum is an opportunity for India to showcase its strength and achievements for attracting investment and deepen its trade relation with these large economies