The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has rolled out its vison 2047 to make India a football powerhouse. However, a study conducted by sports researcher Dr Kanishka Pandey, who heads the Centre for Sports Research in IMT Ghaziabad, .
New Delhi, March 31: The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has rolled out its vison 2047 to make India a football powerhouse. However, a study conducted by sports researcher Dr Kanishka Pandey, who heads the Centre for Sports Research in IMT Ghaziabad, highlights different fundamental challenges to this vision.
Manila, March 31: The Philippine central bank said the country s foreign investments yielded net outflows of $531 million resulting from the $1.2 billion in gross outflows and $680 million gross inflows for the month.
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is widely and madly followed in India too. Though extremely popular at school and college level, Indian football is still found to be wanting when it comes to international .
The current Delhi government claims to give priorities to sports at the various levels in the national capital but a reality check being carried through RTI reveals a stark contrast. There is a massive difference in what exists on the ground .