BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut s mother Asha spoke on the derogatory remarks made against the actress through Supriya Shrinate s social media account. | Latest News India
Days after Supriya Shrinate's derogatory post against Bollywood actress and BJP's candidate Kangana Ranaut, her mother, Asha Ranaut, said she was pained.
Actress Kangana Ranaut won her fourth National Film Award for her films Manikarnika and Panga. Her parents were also present at the ceremony as Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu conferred the honour on her. Their reaction to her win is going viral on the Internet. Watch photos and videos from the cere
Mother s Day 2021: Kangana Ranaut Talks About Life After Leaving Home, Reveals How Calls With Her Mom Moved Her To Tears
On Mother’s Day actress Kangana Ranaut penned a long note dedicated to her mother. The actress took to Instagram and shared an old black and white picture of her mother where she looks uncannily similar to the actress.
Kangana spoke fondly of her mother’s love and affection from the time when she had left home to pursue a career in acting. She has often mentioned how her choices after leaving home did not see a lot of support from home and how it led to a turbulent relationship with her father.