Godzilla Minus One is maybe the best Godzilla film ever and one of the best films of the year. It’s an outstanding entry in a franchise that celebrates its 70th
A review of 'Godzilla Minus One,' a terrific and surprising new turn for the 70-year-old Japanese monster franchise and the first set in World War II era.
you see in his eyes he s scared of losing his job and he looks at me like i m a kamikaze pilot. sometimes i recognize the humanity in my producers when i m in the room alone with them and i pulled back and i say you know what? we will live to fight another day, that type of collaboration in person, you don t get over zoom. harold: do you experience the same kind of collaboration? greg: when it comes to commuting i go back and forth. [laughter] katie: great, dad, thanks for that. greg: zoom saying you have to go back to work as like ronald mcdonald saying lay off the fries. you know they are having a hard time but the problem is commuting just kills the energy you have. i m leaving for work, i m feeling great i m luke skywalker but by the time i get to the office here i m darth vader something has happened along the way.