Google Doodle featured Kamala Sohonie, showcasing her pioneering work on “Neera” - a palm nectar-derived drink known for its high Vitamin C content. | Latest News India
Dr Kamala Sohonie was awarded the Rashtrapati Award for her work on Neera, the nutritious drink that is a good source of Vitamin C and has been proven to improve the health of malnourished children and pregnant women
Kamala Sohonie became the first Indian woman to receive a PhD in a scientific field at a time when Indian women were conspicuously underrepresented in scientific disciplines., Viral News, Times Now
On Dr Kamala Sohonies 112th birth anniversary, Google honoured the first Indian woman to get PhD in biochemistry who also battled food adulteration and gender bias. Dr Sohonie graduated from Bombay University in 1933, and discovered an enzyme crucial for energy generation.