Kajal Arefin Ome’s comedy series “Hotel Relax” was released on Bongo app on April 24. The six-episode series had an ensemble cast mostly from “Bachelor Point”, which was much loved by the audiences.
We caught up with directors like Ashfaque Nipun, Mizanur Rahman Aryan, Mabrur Rashid Bannah, Kajal Arefin Ome and Vicky Zahed who began their career with directing television projects, reminiscing about their favourite shows, artistes and directors who they would look upto during Eid.
"Bachelor Point '' director Kajal Arefin Ome has unveiled the first look of his star studded Eid project "Hotel Relax" on his social media. This will mark the director's first web-series and will be released on the Bongo app.
“Bachelor Point” famed director, Kajal Arefin Ome is all set to surprise the audience with a new production titled, “Bidesh”, for the coming Eid-ul-Fitr.
Popular actress Purnima is all set to make her web-series debut, in the “Bachelor Point” fame director Kajal Arefin Ome’s upcoming web-series, “Hotel Relax”. The actress will be portraying the role of a police officer in the series.