Kaabila (played by Ziaul Hoque Polash), a young rogue from Noakhali, funny lover boy Shuvo (played by Mishu Sabbir) from a humble household in Barishal, the daring yet charming ‘Shirsho Shontrash’ Pasha (played by Marzuk Russell) from Kashempur Central Jail, and the sweet, flirtatious and very humble Habu bhai (played by Chashi Alam) – all these characters became the talk of
ZEE5 Global, the largest OTT platform for South Asian content, is set to stream Thanda, a ZEE5 Original. Directed by Kajal Arefin Ome, Thanda is a fictional comedy film about the lives of four bachelors living in Dhaka. The platform has dropped an intriguing poster as a first
Web originals that talk about cyberbullying
Official posters of the web originals
Social media plays an important role in our lives today, providing us with a forum to share our opinions, experiences and observations. However, it comes with its pros and cons.
Sometimes, sarcastic comments made on social media platforms may hurt people s sentiments. In extreme circumstances, this can lead to blackmailing, personal attacks, hate speeches, and even the spread of fake information.
Cyberbullying, the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone, is a common problem for many today, especially public figures. More often than not, cyber crimes are committed using fake online identities. As the use of mobile and online communications has grown so rapidly, laws to address cyberbullying and cybercrime has increased.