For wednesday july 22, 2015. My name is mark farrell. I will be chairing the committee. I am joined by supervisor katy tang and i would like to thank the clerk linda wong and sfgtv covering this meeting. Madam clerk do we have any announcements . Yes mr. Chair. Please silent all cell phones and electronic devices, complete speaker cards and documents to be part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted on today will be on the july 28 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Okay. Thank you madam clerk. Lets get rolling here. We have a number of items here and at the end we have two hearings and please call item 1. Item 1 hearing hearing to consider the release of reserved funds, Arts Commission to build out the secure basement Storage Space and related location costs for the citys civic Art Collection. Great. We have tom mckinney here. Good morning supervisors. As you know it will move to the Veterans Building in september of this year and our request is for
Objection. Madam clerk call item 7. Item 7 is Lease Agreement and lease between the Hudson Group Retail in Square Footage and concession space and minimum annual guarantee of 555,000 for the board. Colleagues we will continue this item and first we will open it up to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item 7 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel]. Can i have a motion to move this item . So moved. Madam clerk can you call item 8. Item 8 is lease amendment lease bayport concessions and the city and premises and modified lease term and annual guarantee of approximately 130,000. Okay. Ms. Wagner item 8. Thank you chair farrell members of the committee. I am with the San Francisco international airport. The next two items are similar to items you have seen recently where the airport is relocating current concessionaires to accommodate Construction Projects happening at the airport. This item, number 8, seeks your approval for the Second Amendment to our existing lease w
Hearings and please call item 1. Item 1 hearing hearing to consider the release of reserved funds, Arts Commission to build out the secure basement Storage Space and related location costs for the citys civic Art Collection. Great. We have tom mckinney here. Good morning supervisors. As you know it will move to the Veterans Building in september of this year and our request is for the release of reserve funds for 50,000 to complete the move of the Art Collection to the war memorial. We are glad that the Capitol Planning Committee has allocated a historic amount for the Art Collection and afford us to the opportunity to properly store the citys civic Art Collection and by many artists. This is where the documentation for the civic Art Collection is stored as well as any works that are coming through for conservation and care so i have our senior registrar here alice coming to answer questions and we appreciate youre considering this item. Thank you. Mr. Rose can we go to the report on i
Hearings and please call item 1. Item 1 hearing hearing to consider the release of reserved funds, Arts Commission to build out the secure basement Storage Space and related location costs for the citys civic Art Collection. Great. We have tom mckinney here. Good morning supervisors. As you know it will move to the Veterans Building in september of this year and our request is for the release of reserve funds for 50,000 to complete the move of the Art Collection to the war memorial. We are glad that the Capitol Planning Committee has allocated a historic amount for the Art Collection and afford us to the opportunity to properly store the citys civic Art Collection and by many artists. This is where the documentation for the civic Art Collection is stored as well as any works that are coming through for conservation and care so i have our senior registrar here alice coming to answer questions and we appreciate youre considering this item. Thank you. Mr. Rose can we go to the report on i
Do you have a question . Back in open session call the next line item arrest whether to discolor all matters in closed session administrative code 67. 1 a action not to disclose all in favor, say i. I. That item passes unanimously were okay im sorry sergeant next line item adjournment. Motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. Nancy pelosis passes unanimously clapping. px good morning everybody. Welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday july 22, 2015. My name is mark farrell. I will be chairing the committee. I am joined by supervisor katy tang and i would like to thank the clerk linda wong and sfgtv covering this meeting. Madam clerk do we have any announcements . Yes mr. Chair. Please silent all cell phones and electronic devices, complete speaker cards and documents to be part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted on today will be on the july 28 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. O