Doraha police have booked an unidentified man for issuing SIM cards to people using fake identification proofs. The accused allegedly issued at least seven SIM cards using different ID proofs that carried the same photograph. An FIR was lodged against the distributor of Sood Telecom, Boparai road and his unidentified accomplice, following the complaint of the nodal officer of Vodafone Idea Ltd.
Ashok Kumar, father of Justice Jyotsna Rai, has filed a murder case at the local police station after the sensational death of his daughter Saturday February, 03, 2024.
27-year-old Civil Judge (Junior Division) Jyotsna Rai was found hanging in her room on Saturday and police had recovered a suicide note from the spot as well., Crime News, Times Now
India News: NEW DELHI: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Sunday slammed the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh after the body of a woman civil judge was found.