Using both rounds of the India Human Development Survey, vulnerability is measured as an ex ante measure of poverty for the Indian households. This article highlights the importance of measuring vulnerability in the overall poverty calculation and found it to be a significant predictor of the future poverty.
Policy Research Working Paper series publication roundup for the weeks of May 24 and 31
Close-up of female hands. ldutko /
This blog is a biweekly feature highlighting recent working papers from around the World Bank Group that were published in the
World Bank’s Policy Research Working Paper Series. This entry introduces eight papers published during the weeks of May 24 and 31 on various topics, the mortality and poverty impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, firm exit during the pandemic, female land titling in Lesotho, the return of Syrian refugees, among others. Here are the highlights of select findings.
First, we present two papers which analyze the mortality and poverty impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across countries. A paper on