I wondered, could have made the choices they had to make to protect ones family, to protect myself. Could i have found the perseverance, the fortitude, the courage, to get to. Its where i am now where i wrote my book, if you hear noises in the background, those are not horns those are frogs croaking away in my pond at college hilltop in connecticut. Hopefully there wont be a thunderstorm and it will stay nice and you callawhen i was up your writing i would spend a good deal of my time wishing i could understand what was like to live in world war ii. Wishing i could find the apathy, the understanding, to convey on the page what its like to live with a constant sense of uncertainty. What its like to live not knowing whats going to happen next. What its like to live through a great unknown. Now its a previously unimagined year later and all i can say is, be careful what you wish for. I am not saying that our battle against the pandemic is the same as fighting world war ii. There is not an
Libertarianism. Org aaron powell and i are joined by the books authors justin tosi and brandon warmke. Justin tosi is an assistant professor of philosophy at texas tech university, specializing in political, legal, and moral philosophy. Brandon warmke and is assistant professor of philosophy at a and he specializes in ethics, moral psychology and social philosophy. We will be taking audience questions online using the hashtag auntran8a events. If you have a question for the authors whether watching this event via facebook, twitter, youtube or the Cato Institute website posted with the cato hashtag so the question queuing software can find it. Justin, brandon, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having us. Great to be here. To begin, briefly, what is grandtanding . If you want the simplest Bumper Sticker description of grandstanding, its using discussion of morality or politics and Public Discourse as a vanity project. Grand standards use discussions of morality, justice, talk of right
Justin tosi is professor in philosophy specializing in legal philosophy and brandon warme assistant professor of philosophy and specializes in ethics, moral psychology and moral philosophy. We will be taking audience questions online using the catoevents. You have a question for the authors or watching event in cato website posted with cato event hashtag. Justin, brandon, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having us. Great to be here. To begin, briefly what is grandstanding . So if you want the simplest sort of Bumper Sticker of grand grandstanding as vanity project. Grandstanders use discussion of morality, family values, tradition, draw attention to themselves an make themselves look like moral paragons, caring about the American Factory worker. You want something a little more detailed, the account of grandstanding we give in the book is a simple one. The grandstanding simply has two parts, the first part is the grandstanders want the Reference Network to think certain things abou