One-Pay Lease Valuable But Little-Used Sales Tool The one-pay lease is a way to purchase a vehicle by writing the dealership a check for the total of payments on a 36-month, single-payment lease. At the end of the 36 months, the customer can choose to renew the lease, turn in the vehicle or buy it outright.
A recent F&I Master’s class taught me about having a conversation with purpose. Since we are having a conversation, let’s make it count – especially if you are working in a high-line dealership catering to affluent customers with higher credit scores.
Many business managers forget, or aren’t familiar with, a seldom-used sales tool: the one-pay lease. To a cash customer, this is a way to purchase the vehicle by writing the dealership a check for the total of payments on a 36-month, single-payment lease. One advantage is a lower interest rate, which means lower payments. Another is that the upfront payments make credit approval easier.
Honesty Pays at Auto Dealerships, Say F&I Experts An Assn. of Dealership Compliance Officers roundtable discussion centers on how to do it right – and stay out of the sights of government regulators.
David Robertson, who spearheads ethical practices in car dealership finance and insurance offices, once said it’s hard to completely rid F&I of bad players. Blame it on human nature.
He likened it to when old England publicly hanged pickpockets. And where would one find lots of pickpockets working crowds back then? At public hangings.
That doesn’t mean auto retailing shouldn’t try its best to stop shady F&I practices. There’s been a lot of progress in that regard, although wrongdoing, such as payment packing, still occurs here and there. When that happens, the bad actors and their dealerships can get hit with fines, bad publicity and even jail sentences.
Making the Most of the Calm After the Storm January showroom traffic might be down, but this is the time to be thankful for the rush of sales before 2020 ended. Take this time to focus the extra “slow” time on controllable activities.
It’s over. December is over. The manufacturers’ extended programs are over. Your last deal is in the books. The last rush of commercial deals and all that comes with it has settled.
For those of you new to this business, late December is when many consumers pull the trigger on large purchases such as cars to avoid paying as much in taxes. They generally like to finance as much as they can. This makes selling aftermarket products and service contracts that much easier.
Providing Customer Service With Cheer No Chore How can you surprise and delight your customers? You can’t retain customers if they don’t enjoy the experience. Don t look at your customer as high-maintenance.
I was talking about mindset with my good friend Tommi Weeden and I was explaining to her that sometimes I work with guests who require A LOT.
What I meant is, they seem to take longer to get through the process – walking “time bandits,” in all honesty. She told me something that really resonated with me: Remember that everyone is different and we all process things differently.